Hi all, First off, sorry to all of those at 501 today for my absence.. I made it to the top of the A34 and then my rear passenger side tyre picked up a screw... had to limp home with tyre weld! Ah well.. So I used today instead to sort the little problems I've been having.. or rather not... First off. I have a vacuum leak from the main aircon control in the dash. I've taken it all out but no matter what I do - as soon as the engine starts I get a hisssssssssssssss from the control. Any ideas? Do I need to replace this unit? Any body know what causes it to happen? I've taken it apart and rebuilt it but it's just a noisy as ever. Second. My aerial is broken (automatic from rear quarter). The guide (white plastic) has snapped. Thus the whole unit is useless. I'm not about to pay $169 for a new one - so does anybody know of a good replacement/alternative? Also.. I've taken off what I think is the angle drive - or rather it snapped off. Do I need to remove the entire NUT with it? It won't budge... Cheers guys! Dan Vin#5284 - Hana