Value of D going Up?
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Value of D going Up?

-----Original Message-----
From: silverdelorean2002 <silvercrw646@xxxx>
Sent: 02 January 2003 13:56
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DML] Value of D going Up?

Hey guys, I remmeber talking a little while ago about the value of
the D going up as a result to the BTG trilogy release. I remmeber
David T saying that he thought it would go up. It looks as if it has.
Amazing look at this. I have been lookin on ebay for D's for over 2
years and over this time the d was selling between 8-14 at the most.
Go to ebay now and do a search at highest price first and take a
look. The highest price with bidders is up to 24K. There are also
another at 18k and a few others that loko like by auctions ends will
be at 15k shich 2 months ago never gat past 11k. There is ever a real
hacked up UGLY D in my opinion with 90K miles is POOR condition goin
for 11k. Go take a look guys. Looks like if your selling your D to
raise the price. Lets keep a good thing going.


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