While I saved up for a DeLorean I made a list of D's for sale, and found the old list only the other day. Please be aware that this info was taken down in some cases many years ago and therefore the cars may well have been passed on, or if the seller saw sense and hung on to their dream. Anyway if you are looking to buy, try those below and you never know, even if the car was sold you may be able to trace the next keeper as they may be considering on selling.... White DMC 01712 316786 RHDrive 01477 535516 LHDrive 01560 700606 LHD? 01392 468888 Devon LHD 01427 752879 Doncaster £12,500 LHD? 01342 810363 Sussex LHD? 01959 571346 Kent LHD? 01942 882 331 LHD? 01392 811288 Regards Chris Hawes #5255