James, I sure someone will oblige, I'll put it out on our newsgroup. Let me know if you don't get fixed up. $ DeLorean's will be on show The Kings Hall Belfast on 31st Jan, and 1st 2 nd Feb. A good place to talk to owners. Regards Chris P -----Original Message----- From: James & Alix [mailto:piglet@xxxx] Sent: 07 December 2002 12:33 To: secretary@xxxx Subject: Irish SF convention. Dear Mr. Parnham, I am running a small "fun" science fiction convention next October, in Dundalk, Ireland. (a town halfway between Dublin and Belfast), called "They Came and Shaved Us". It is not going to be very large, with just 150 people expected, and is intended to be a fun event, looking at many interesting subjects, from Le Fanu's fiction to a trip to Newgrange a megalithic tomb. I would like to track down an owner of a Delorean, who would be prepared to come to our event and speak to us about the wondrful vehicle, perhaps culminating in a look at his/her car. >>From the little that I have gleened on the subject, those who own Deloreans are very enthuasiastic so I expect that whatever the person has to say, will be well received. I was wondering if you could put me in touch with an Irish owner, north or south, who wouldn't have far to come, someone in Dublin would be good, as I live there, but anywhere between here and Belfast is fairly close really, and I could ask them if they would come to the event and at least explain to them in person what we are about. many thanks for your help, Yours James Bacon. 123 Carnlough Rd, Cabra, Dublin 7 Ireland. www.theycameandshavedus.com
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