Ooh, I forgot - I have PERMANENTLY modified my headlight brackets - they were very rusty so I cleaned them out and painted them with black hammerite. Ditto my bonnet hinges which are silver, and usually anything I'm taking apart that's gone rusty either gets replaced or painted (there're increasing numbers of nuts and bolts on my car that are now shiny silver that were probably supposed to be black originally). You can take this "originality" thing too far - what I'm doing I see as good maintenance (and the headlights brackets do look very nice in black - if only you could see them :-) Martin (now bored and experiencing withdrawl symptoms) Original Message: ----------------- From: Daniel Willis danielpwillis@xxxx Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 14:40:02 +0000 To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: [doc] Sad I couldn't make it to the NEC... Heh.. nicely said. Mod away my friend... I would but I tend to "vent" on the Calibra.. a more "acceptable" car to modify in my opinion. 19 inch wheels don't fit the Delorean anyway... :o) Stereo wise.. I with all you guys. Mine Craig works and is staying put.. the reason? I never drive the bloody thing so why bother. Again, the Calibra gets the "system".. it's my daily drive. Exhaust wise.. hmm.. mine is stock again - I have a CAT bypass to fit but the rain won't ease off longer enough to do it.. but I don't see the new free flow as a "mod", more of a necessity! The stock system is awful and needs to be chucked.. had regs been different in '81 it may have been different anyway - remember the DeLorean was releases during an oil crisis... As for my interest in the car.. well, it's different for everyone. If I'm honest, I can still remember seeing BTTF for the first time. I had no idea about the stainless then. I was too young. What was exciting was the rear.. the fans, the equipment.. it looked SO good. AND I was a lotus fan so it made sense. Of course the doors were (are/will always be) cool but it was the car's shape that I loved... when I first saw a stock delorean I thought "oh..." - I was young! Over the years I've grown and my love for the car has too.. in stock form. Now the BTTF car is a nice novelty. BIG disappointment was the engine.. damn that film has a lot to answer for! Hah... I love my car.. but if it weren't stainless.. I'd still own it. If it didn't have the doors.. don't know! (it'd probably have sizzor or butterfly if not gullwing anyway!) Live the dream people, drive stainless!!! Dan Vin#5284 -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web.com/ .
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