Lovers of 80's films cars, behold, mmm, almost tempted, not quite though
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Lovers of 80's films cars, behold, mmm, almost tempted, not quite though.....


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List	Spirit of Motoring	
Lot 154	Ferrari Replica 250 California Spyder ' Ferris Buller"	
Registration no:	Not UK Reg.	
Chassis no:	 	
Estimate:	£30,000-40,000	
Lot 154 <> 

One man, and one man alone can lay claim to have promoted these
car's to international fame and number 1 position in the fantasy car
purchase list of most school boys. That man is none other that Ferris
Bueller, or at least the character of Ferris Bueller in the 1986 film
'Ferris Bueller's Day off '. As the story line of the film required the car
to topple of a wheel jack and crash through the wall of a garage Paramount
Pictures commissioned three 'California Modena's' to be built and used in
the film, as even their budget would not stretch to wrecking a real car
valued at approximately one million US dollars. This car is California
Modena number 3 which was used during the filming and comes with a letter of
authenticity from Paramount. Finished in red with a black interior the car
was constructed using a V8 engine and automatic gearbox by a company in
California. Exactly how many of these roadsters were made in total is
unsure, however it can not have been many as not long after the release of
the film the manufacturer of the cars were sued by Ferrari for copy write
infringement and ordered to pay damages which resulted in their bankruptcy. 

You will note that in addition to the prancing horse logo the car also
carries Ferrari badges. 

Sitting on a set of Borrani type wire wheels this car was brought to the UK
by the current owner on temporary import from the United States and he
describes the car as being in good order as it has been in regular use
since. This head turning and unusual replica has a particularly pleasant
exhaust note in keeping with large capacity American V8 engines and is sure
to continue to 'wow' people where ever it goes. 

Buyers should be aware that should this lot remain within the European Union
import duty and VAT will be liable on this car. 


Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each
lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the
lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy
of these particulars.

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<TR vAlign=top>
<TD><SPAN class=contentlist></SPAN></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD><B>Lot 154</B></TD>
<TD><B>Ferrari Replica 250 California Spyder ' Ferris 
<TR vAlign=top>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>
<TD width=100></TD>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD class=contentlist>Registration no:</TD>
<TD class=contentlist>Not UK Reg.</TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD class=contentlist>Chassis no:</TD>
<TD class=contentlist></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD class=contentlist>Estimate:</TD>
<TD class=contentlist>£30,000-40,000</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD class=contentlist></TD>
<TD class=contentlist><IMG height=163 alt="Lot 154" 
width=360 border=1>
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD class=contentlist></TD>
<TD class=content>One man, and one man alone can lay claim to have 
promoted these car's to international fame and number 1 position in 
the fantasy car purchase list of most school boys. That man is none 
other that Ferris Bueller, or at least the character of Ferris 
Bueller in the 1986 film 'Ferris Bueller's Day off '. As the story 
line of the film required the car to topple of a wheel jack and 
crash through the wall of a garage Paramount Pictures commissioned 
three 'California Modena's' to be built and used in the film, as 
even their budget would not stretch to wrecking a real car valued at 
approximately one million US dollars. This car is California Modena 
number 3 which was used during the filming and comes with a letter 
of authenticity from Paramount. Finished in red with a black 
interior the car was constructed using a V8 engine and automatic 
gearbox by a company in California. Exactly how many of these 
roadsters were made in total is unsure, however it can not havebeen 
many as not long after the release of the film the manufacturerof 
the cars were sued by Ferrari for copy write infringement and 
ordered to pay damages which resulted in their bankruptcy. 
<P>You will note that in addition to the prancing horse logo the car 
also carries Ferrari badges. 
<P>Sitting on a set of Borrani type wire wheels this car was brought 
to the UK by the current owner on temporary import from the United 
States and he describes the car as being in good order as it has 
been in regular use since. This head turning and unusual replica has 
a particularly pleasant exhaust note in keeping with large capacity 
American V8 engines and is sure to continue to 'wow' people where 
ever it goes. 
<P>Buyers should be aware that should this lot remain within the 
European Union import duty and VAT will be liable on this car.
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD class=contentlist>&nbsp;
<P><I>Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition 
of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to 
whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability 
for the accuracy of these particulars.</I></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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