-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Strelczak [mailto:STEPHEN.STRELCZAK@xxxx]
Sent: 02 July 2002 12:31
To: 'doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: RE: [doc] Delorean stuff for a big HP seminar....Dear ALL,
Does anyone have a set of those display ramps for tilting a car for displaying at an event, not really sure about using planks of wood Martin, I've seen those metal jobs they use at car showrooms, does anyoneknow someone that has a set? Just need them for July 29th, a Seminar I'm producing at HP, using my Delorean as centre attraction. Everything else is in hand, Chris, please tell Dave that the Cheque is on the way for £200, in his name, for the 50 Delorean (TOY)cars, and 50 Delorean stickers, has there been a start made on those? Really need them soon Dave. Regards to all,
VIN# 6896
PSO 69W- RHD Grey Manual-
P.S. If any of you own, or work for companies which usea fair amount of data storage, and perform backups from multiple servers, the Seminar this refers to will be of great use indeed, planning, future roadmapping etc. Five of the top UK storage consultants speaking, and answering live, and yours truly and his Delroean too. I'll send round the mail shot, and if it looks interesting, book a place with me, if not, delete it. No pressure:)
stephen Strelczak
Networked Storage Division
Comtec PLC.
The Business Centre
BA1 1UN.
H.Office 01225446122
Mobile 07970008603**************
*** /_ __ ***
** / //_/ ** Centre of Excellence
*** / ****
i n v en t
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Gutkowski [mailto:webmaster@xxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 2:05 PM
To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [doc] Delorean stuff for a big HP seminar....The easiest way to run a power supply to the car is to put a charger on
the battery! - Just leave it on a low charge setting. Given where the
battery is, youcan hide the charger behind the seat or on the luggage
shelf. Don't let it get too warm!Put the car on a tilt? Suggest buying a couple of lenghths of thick
wooden plank, make some ramps and carpet them.The DeLorean is 1854mm wide according to the late pre-production
brochure herehttp://www.entermyworld.com/prop/brochures/bro2b1x1.jpg
Stephen Strelczak wrote:
> The VCD is for playing on a huge video projector on the wall behind
> the car, it ain't for distribution. Where could I get it from?
> Anyone got any other ideas, I like Martins flashing indicator, lights
> one, any others?
> What is the easiest way you can think of to raise the back of the car
> by a foot,so it is on a tilt? Without looking too obtrusive?
> How do I hook up the car for12V power, could you show me how to do
> this on Wednesday? What kind of power converter do I need?
> What is the width of a Delroean in cms exactly, as it has to go
> through some doors at the HP HQ(big doors) including the mirrors?
> 50 toy Delo
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