-----Original Message-----(mostly for everyone else, Steve and I spoke this lunchtime)
From: Martin Gutkowski [mailto:webmaster@xxxx]
Sent: 24 June 2002 14:05
To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [doc] Yes please Martin, to a visit, and the bleeder kit if possible... .
The self bleed kit is a barbed T-piece, a length of hose, several jubilee clips and a fitting which has the same thread as the bleed screw on the water pump, and a barb. Basically you replace the bleed screw with this barbed fitting, and route it via the hose to the coolant bottle return hose, and T into it with the T-piece. Effectively the water pump is continually bleeding itself.
Chris, once again I know the kit's really really simple, but finding the fittings is the bit I haven't had time/can't be bothered to do. Andy asked me to get him one even though it's priced up at 10 times its actual value (but $20 hardly breaks the bank, eh? :-)
I ain't no expert! I know me 'lectrics and I'll check the cooling fans are working (sounds like they're not) and rig them so they work with the ignition. The combination of the self bleed kit and the fans running constant should dofor now, but from what Steve said about escaping exhaust on the left bank that's NOT the manifolds means I'm starting to think "head gaskets" - anyone else concurr? If it's been allowed to overheat several times, the heads will warp blowing exhaust into the coolant, causing air-lock and overheaing = vicious circle. AM I WAY OFF HERE??
I am no expert, but this makes sense to me. How on the DeLorean engine do you know if the head gaskets are blowing? On the BX you look for bubbles in the return line to the coolant bottle. On the DeLorean (without the self-bleed kit) they all get stuck in the water pump, right?
Stephen Strelczak wrote:
When could you come down this week, I would really appreciate a visit? Could you come Thursday? Would be the best day? I would advise to come prepared with electrical bits and bobs, as I think we'll need them. I would be really happy if you could let me order another bleeder kit for Andy, and I usehis for now, given that my deadline for the car running is very close now. I would be really happy for you to look over the car in general, to see if your professional eye picks up anything I missed. Anything you think you would need to fix likely problems, bring it, as I have nothing up at the house L I would love to think I could have her up and running sweetly by the end of your visit J Hope you can make it, with bleeder kit etc, regards
Stephen Strelczak
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