Re: Where has my PRV power been?/injectors
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Re: Where has my PRV power been?/injectors


Changing the injectors is very easy, as Martin will testify it only 
takes about 10 minutes to change the whole lot, they simply pop out 
of the head and then they have one nut to undo.

You can test the spray pattern by pulling one out, covering the 
whole where it came from and then try to start the engine (point the 
injector into a jam jar) and watch the spray. It should atomise 
about 2 inches from the injector nozzle i.e. turn into a mist/gas. 
If there is a stream pissing from the end or if they dribble they 
are knackered.

They are pretty pricey at £31 each but they certainly made a 
difference to my cars performance. I did incidentally change all of 
the spark plugs at the same time. 

The injectors are of the mechanical type and so can unfortunately 
not be serviced though me and Martin did have a few comical attempts 
at cleaning them involving a lathe a peanut butter jar and a load of 
injector cleaner alas it did nothing.

Good luck.

James RG

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