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Any of you rock fans fancy helping out?  I;ve checked the dates,
Sun 2nd June, Bank hol. Monday 3rd June .
This sounds like a fun if noisy event. I don't think my BTTF car will be ready by then.
I know where Pete's coming from, my uncle Bill, an ex paratrooper, has Parkinson's.
Lets throw it around on our newsgroup before we get back to Pete.
Chris P Hon Sec.
-----Original Message-----
From: peterboot [mailto:peterboot@xxxx]
Sent: 25 March 2002 23:49
To: chrisparnham@xxxx

 Hello, how to begin this request is hard, you see I organise a two day rock festival, called "fill your head with rock" The event is to raise money for "Research into Neurodegenerative desese".at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Birmingham.under the guidance of Professor Adrian Williams,
 I have spent my life in the rock world, and it is with the help of the friends both inside and outside of the industry I manage to put the show together,despite myself having Parkinson's
 you may be aware of the American rock band Metallica. the sound engineer of that band Mick Huges, supports the eventthat he is  proud to be associated with the, and through his kindness we now have a web site
 Now comes the bottom line, as you may be aware sadly Michel j Fox has Parkinson's, and is also involved in fund raising,
 Now cast your mind back to his film "Back to the Future".......can you remember he played a Gibson guitar. well that guitar now belongs to a friend of mine  [complete with a letter of authenticity ], he has suggested that for publicity purposes to promote the concert he would allow the use of this guitar,
 acting on this I have contacted the press and indeed they are very keen on the idea,they in turn suggested remake the classic seine outside Willenhall town hall.
 Well you know whats coming next I suppose, its the star of the show ,no not M.J, Fox. but the car............... I somehow think that I haven't got a cat in hells chance, but working underthe guidance " if you don't ask, you don't get.
I ask with respect, could you be of helpon this, remember all proceeds from fill your head with rock, go to help find a cure for Parkinson's and other debilitating diseases. do you know of anyone who would like to take part in this publicity photo........DO I HAVE A CHANCE?  
Kind regards   Pete Boot

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