RE: [doc] Door lights, jammed gullwing, e-mails
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RE: [doc] Door lights, jammed gullwing, e-mails

Title: RE: [doc] Door lights, jammed gullwing, e-mails

You are a God. You don't realise how much this has been annoying me the last 3 months. Will be searching for said wires and diodes this lunchtime.  Stephen.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Salsbury [mailto:paul.salsbury@xxxx]
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 10:10 AM
To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [doc] Door lights, jammed gullwing, e-mails

Yes it did.


--- Stephen Strelczak
<STEPHEN.STRELCZAK@xxxx> wrote: > Did this
also cut off the interior lights?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Salsbury
> [mailto:paul.salsbury@xxxx]
> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 9:45 AM
> To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [doc] Door lights, jammed gullwing,
> e-mails
> Stephen
> Mine were also disconnected when I got the car.
> Heers
> where to check
> The door switches on both sides. There is two on the
> drivers side and one on the passenger side. On the
> drivers side the top one is for the door lights and
> the interior lights the bottom is for the door ajar
> and buzzer. On the passenger side this does both
> door
> ajar and interior. Check the back of them to see if
> the wires have been taken off. I think they were
> Purple/Blue and Purple/white.
> In the drivers footwell under the front of the
> center
> console there are three diodes incased in coloured
> plastic black red and blue if one of these is
> unplugged this will stop them working as well.
> Paul
> #6463
>  --- Stephen Strelczak
> <STEPHEN.STRELCZAK@xxxx> wrote: > Phil,
> >
> >   just out of interest, how did you disconnect the
> > door light circuit? Since
> > I took on PSO from Dave, I've never had the door
> > lights working, or the
> > interior lights for that matter. I know from the
> > schematics that this is all
> > one circuit. I remember very faintly that Dave
> said
> > he had discounted some
> > lights on the car to save the battery at
> > exhibitions. Here lies the rub,
> > I've never found out how he disconected the
> circuit,
> > and its driving me
> > crazy!! Phil, please give me some ideas here.
> >
> >     Asside from this I hada shite weekend. PSO
> > decided to over heat (engine
> > fans cut out with no notice) and the coolant
> system
> > blew. Bloody coolant all
> > over the engine. Huge plume of steam emitted from
> > the back of the engine
> > bay, and people laughed. Not happy at all. Martin,
> > could you remind me about
> > the fan modual? Should I have just taken it out,
> or
> > does it need
> > modifications? Which ever way, I've got a fan
> > problem(ie they don't turn on
> > at all) and a door problem(they lock themselves
> > without notice) Are these
> > two things you are able to rewire/improve in one
> > sitting, as I will be away
> > for 3 weeks now in Guatemala, and it would be
> great
> > if I could leave these
> > with you(plus a couple of tenners for parts/time
> > etc:) Not my best weekend
> > with PSO, but then I've only had her for 3 months
> or
> > so, I've only got
> > positive things to judge by so far. Speak soon.
> >
> >                     Stephen.
> >
> > VIN 6896.
> >
> > p.s. Did you like the pics?
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Phil Peters
> > [mailto:PhilPeters@xxxx]
> > Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 8:40 AM
> > To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: [doc] Door lights, jammed gullwing,
> e-mails
> >
> >
> > Morning all,
> > Just a couple of quickies (that last statement
> > bearing no resemblance to my
> > weekend activities whatsoever!)
> >
> > First off I got the lights working on my gullwings
> > last night and they all
> > work fine except for one which needs a new bulb.
> > Anyone know the method of
> > getting these lights out? Do they just 'pop' out
> or
> > is there a preferred
> > method? Also, does anyone know how best to open a
> > jammed gullwing?! I was
> > opening my driver's door last night when suddenly
> > the door locked halfway
> > through opening and now seems to be jammed! I was
> > able to make my escape out
> > of the car via the passenger door but does anyone
> > have any ideas how to get
> > my driver's door open?! Needless to say I had to
> > disconnect my door light
> > again for fear of flattening the battery! So all
> in
> > all a rather irritating
> > fiasco!
> > Secondly, does anyone have Chris N's e-mail
> address
> > (alternatively, Chris if
> > you are reading this could you drop me a line to
> my
> > above e-mail address
> > please.) Cheers.
> >
> > Phil "door jam" Peters
> > VIN #4400
> > Wolverhampton
> >
> >
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> > Unsubscribe: doc-uk-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > ** Unless otherwise stated, all messages posted to
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> > public and may be printed in the club magazine**
> >
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> >
> >
> > 
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