-----Original Message-----Martin,
From: Chris Parnham [mailto:chrisparnham@xxxx]
Sent: 24 February 2002 9:33 PM
To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [doc] RE: Delorean event 27-28-29 september
I've tried! And failed to turn off HTML..this is outlook, not express, can
you give me the "idiots guide?"
Chris Parnham
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Gutkowski [mailto:webmaster@xxxx]
Sent: 24 February 2002 18:32
To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [doc] RE: Delorean event 27-28-29 september
Hi Chris - firstly, can you turn off HTML in your e-mail- ta.
Would you like to come down to Kent for a day's play at the garage?
That's all we do (apart from getting drunk the night before!!!)
Chris Parnham wrote:
> I don't mind you "young southern things" organising your self, as long
> as you continue to support us old farts ( and the club) up north!
> Arkwright.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Gutkowski [mailto:webmaster@xxxx]
> Sent: 24 February 2002 12:07
> To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: Michiel Böhmer; Cyril Binet
> Subject: Re: [doc] RE: Delorean event 27-28-29 september
> I'm certainly up for this. I have copied Cyril Binet on this e-mail -
>his english is very good, so I hope the French connection isn't a
> barrier!
> We seem to be forming a bit of a "young persons"club in the South -
> James RG, Steve S, Chris H, Dan W, Chris N, Richard J and myself....
> it's getting very interesting!
> Theonly trouble for me would be lack of holiday time.
> Best Wishes
> Martin
> Chris Parnham wrote:
> Michiel,
> Thanks for the invite, I will pass it around our members and see what
> interest we get.
> Thanks,
> Chris Parnham
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michiel Böhmer [mailto:michiel.bohmer@xxxx]
> Sent: 17 February 2002 17:16
> To: Chris Parnham; Chris Parnham
> Subject: Delorean event 27-28-29 september
> Hi Chris,
> How are you doing?
> We (Delorean club Nederland) want to invite your club to join a
> Delorean event in the fall, here in Holland. I adressedthis mail to
> you, but I would appreciate if you could sent it to Dave Howarth? and
> Martin Guthowski?. And perhaps other people of your club should be
> involved, I don't know exactly how your club operates. Let me know if
> you think that we have to deal with particular contacts.
> Anyhow, this is what it's all about.
> We want to organise an event in Holland. We want to invite the German
> Club, the Delorean Club of Switzerland and offcourse the Delorean club
> of the UK.
> We will see what can be done with the few French (language problem!)
> and one particular Norwegian.
>It won't be that fancy like belfast with helicopters and all. But we
> intend to arrange a very nice week-end. Main events will take place in
> the week-end of 28-29 september. But since people have to make a long
> journey, it is possible to check in on friday night.
> We intend to keep it a bit low-budget, so don't expect to sleep next
> to Clinton or so!
> Please inform the others and let us know how you club feels about this
> idea.
> Regards
> Michiel Bohmer
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