RE: [doc] newsletter
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RE: [doc] newsletter
- From: "Colm Nugent" <colm.nugent@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 21:04:49 -0000
Are we taliking about the colour magazine DMCH regularly publish (with an
excellent article on p3) or something else? If something else, anyone got a
picture of this car which the great/awful wheels?
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Mc Auley [mailto:dmc4087@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 11 December 2004 21:05
To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [doc] newsletter
I think the wheels look completely daft on the car. The original wheels
look fantastic, and it really ruins the look of the car by changing them.
They have also removed the black plastic stripe up the side of that
car....looks a bit naked or something.
Dan <danielpwillis@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Does anyone get this?
Holy-large-new-wheels, Batman!
I make no apologies for wanting to modify a DeLorean and after
seeing the pics of those 18s (rear) and 17s (front) I can see a rosy
future for me!
I see they are also selling the Stainless-steel illusion too (I
still don't have a copy!)
Ex-5284 & 5641
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