Re: [doc] Le Mans
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Re: [doc] Le Mans
- From: "Troy Knight" <dmc.knight@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 13:59:51 -0000
Thank you nick.
Your Pal
----- Original Message -----
From: nick12dmc
To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: [doc] Le Mans
Hi Troy,
Preliminary dates are 16th-20th June 2005, this can't be
confirmed as yet because the race date is unconfirmed (18-19th June)
It is always on a weekend but if it moves it could go back or
forward by a week.
Everyone is welcome to come. It appears I have landed the job of
organising this(thanks Chris, I think......) Me and my big mouth.
I will gather some more info on camp sites etc.
All the best
Nick H
-- In doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Troy Knight" <dmc.knight@xxxx> wrote:
> I'm sorry if I missed this in a earlier messege but when will this
Le Mans trip take place??? It sounds really cool, loads of fun and
would like to come along if no one would mind.
> Your Pal
> Troy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Chris Parnham
> To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 10:17 PM
> Subject: RE: [doc] Le Mans
> Nick,
> I think you have voted yourself "trip co-ordinator" how does
that sound
> to you?
> Regards
> Chris Parnham
> DOC 2
> Vins 5638 & 20049
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nick12dmc [mailto:Tammyfew@xxxx]
> Sent: 09 November 2004 21:18
> To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [doc] Le Mans
> Hi All,
> Ok, There is a lot of interest in doing a Le Mans Trip. These
> Key points have come back.
> 1, The trip is club organised I.E. we book it all ourselves and
> use a travel company. This should keep the cost down and we can
> choose where we go, what we do, ferry times etc. (Thanks Rich,
> Martin's proposal seconded LOL)
> 2, We Camp. This makes sense for several reasons.
> The most major of which is the dates of the race
> 18th -19th of June are not confirmed yet.
> This means if we booked a Hotel and the dates changed we
> could find that we are stuck with the rooms.
> Also we would spend a lot of valuable drinking time :-)driving
> back and forth to the track.
> Again this is the less costly option, although dependent on
> consumed ..
> I think camping could be great fun especially if there is a large
> number of us going. I.e. DOC base camp, large DOC flag,
> DMC logo beer can wall etc.
> 3, If we do a overnight stop on the way it has been suggested
> that we stop in a hotel in Calais as its cheaper.
> 4, Don't be afraid in driving the car on the other side off the
> I have taken my D to the South of France and it was a lot easier
> drive, than a right hooker.
> 5, We meet up with the European clubs, great idea.
> Preliminary plan would be to Leave UK on Thursday 16th June and
> return on Monday 20th .
> It appears that outside practice and race hours we can drive
around a
> lot of the circuit, Cool!
> How does this sound?
> Regards
> Nick H
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