Re: [doc] Poll results for doc-uk
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Re: [doc] Poll results for doc-uk
- From: "neal barclay" <neal.barclay@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 20:18:43 +0100
Dick mullholland said it all for me.
----- Original Message -----
From: dmcjohn@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [doc] Poll results for doc-uk
Hi lads,
I finally got to see the DeLorean documentary yesterday, and no, I
will definitely not be changing my opinion of John Z. DeLorean, or
for that matter the completely biased and manipulative British press.
Before I begin my rant of giving out about this documentary, please
remember that I have only seen it once, but during the show found a
lot of things to complain about, and I hope I can remember most of
them here, if not, when I watch it again soon, I will post further
For the most part, it was an enjoyable documentary, when talking
about the car.
When the subject of John DeLorean came up, it was all very carefully
designed and constructed to enforce the usual bad light he is
portrayed in.
I was especially disappointed with Dessi O'Malleys comments, but I
think he is just a sore loser, and hides his hurt with false triumph
that suggests "thank god we weren't that stupid to invest in this
company, we saw through him from the beginning", etc. etc. I think
he feels insulted that DeLorean did not stay in the Republic, and
now has the opportunity to pretend that he wasn't wanted anyway,
with a kind of "I told you so" attitude.
moving along...
One very easy way to prove that this documentary was designed to
further hurt John DeLoreans reputation (unjustly) is the piece they
did on the lie detector exam he took. They show 3 questions, (and I
forget the wording of them) but the basic jist of the questioning
was had he ever been dishonest in past business dealing, had he ever
cheated anyone in business, etc. To which, John answered yes to all
of them.
These questions were taken out of context, and no voiceover was
present to explain these questions were not in relation to his work
at DMC. These were questions on previous business deals he was
involved in, and were the "control" in the test. I'm sure most
people who saw that clip would see it as a confession from John that
he was guilty of the charges brought against him. No mention was
made of the fact that John denied all illegal involvement in drug
deals etc. and trying to raise money for DMC thru illegal business
transactions - questions he said NO to, and passed with flying
What do you think of that Neal? Was that a fair portrayal of his
innocence in this arrest?
I've never said that John is a saint, and I believe that every
business man including John has made some less than 100% ethical and
honest decisions in their dealings, as he admitted in that lie
detector exam.
Of course they show the damming video in room 501 of the LAX
Sheraton hotel, with no comment present at all of John's
explaination of what was really going on there, or the events
leading up to that day. No mention of the FBI intimidating John and
threatening his family every time he tried to pull away from doing
business with the so called mafia guys in that room. No mention of
the FACT that the FBI manipulated, doctored and created
(!) "evidence" in an attempt to get him sent to jail, to such an
extent that one of teh FBI agents decided that he couldn't standby
and watch any more of this injustice, and actually testified on
behalf of the defence, and admitted to doctoring evidence, etc.
None of this above is heresay or gullibility on my part, it is
simply documented, actual, fact.
Not everything you see in the papers and watch on TV is the truth,
try doing some of your own research and then you can come to an
informed and enlightened opinion.
Gotta go, but will watch the show again at the weekend and pick up
on more points I noted while watching it.
Best wishes,
--- In doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "neal barclay" <neal.barclay@xxxx>
> I think the 10 voters should watch the bbc 4 program
> again
> neal
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 3:02 AM
> Subject: [doc] Poll results for doc-uk
> The following doc-uk poll is now closed. Here are the
> final results:
> POLL QUESTION: What is your opinion of John DeLorean?
> - I admire him for everything he has achieved, and feel that he
put his best effort into DMC, and had the best of intentions at all
times., 10 votes, 66.67%
> - I think he made a good effort with DMC, but he was not 100%
committed to the company, and this solely led to its downfall, 5
votes, 33.33%
> - I think he stole millions from the UK government, and is a con
man, and should have served jail time., 0 votes, 0.00%
> - I admire him for everything he has achieved, and feel that he
put his best effort into DMC, and had the best of intentions at all
> - dmcjohn@xxxx
> - andrewkowalyk@xxxx
> - lisa.pennington@xxxx
> - dgantley@xxxx
> - delorean@xxxx
> - joeyoseppijoe@xxxx
> - m.jimmer@xxxx
> - mcauleydmc@xxxx
> - simioid2001@xxxx
> - frp80@xxxx
> - I think he made a good effort with DMC, but he was not 100%
committed to the company, and this solely led to its downfall
> - ibolden@xxxx
> - chrisparnham1@xxxx
> - neal.barclay@xxxx
> - diashi_uk@xxxx
> - fiftynine_lespaul@xxxx
> - I think he stole millions from the UK government, and is a con
man, and should have served jail time.
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