Hi Randal, See my previous posts concerning some of these issues. The plan I'm working on developing, as our strategic plan forward has nothing to do with the history of the DOA, because frankly, I have nothing to do with the history of the DOA other than volunteering to redo their website a few months back. I would like to see the content of "deloreans" magazine discontinue about as much as I want to see it discontinue from "DCS Magazine", or for that matter "Gullwing". The idea here is to role all the magazines into one, which the community has been asking for, for years. This hopefully will continue to provide the entire community with everything that has been offered all along in all the publications, but without having to go broke paying subscription fees. As I see it, The DOA's unique marketing position is that we are an independent organization that can provide information, support and services to the entire community, if properly run. I like the idea of making membership free! What if you could subscribe to DeLorean World separately from having membership in the DOA? What if membership automatically included a condensed online/pdf version of DeLorean World, but we'd still have a printed version available for those who want it? Just ideas, of course, and just a small part of the entire plan I will assemble following our November 15th meeting. Transparency is high on my list of goals. There is no reason for the DOA to hide it's financials or membership numbers from anyone. It doesn't benefit anybody to keep it hidden. Especially not the DOA. At the board meeting, I plan to propose that we make this information publicly available, though our website and magazine. I need the Boards support for that, but I don't think that will be an issue. I am now President of the DOA. I am also an unpaid volunteer for DCS. I don't plan on changing how I support Ken because of my involvement with the DOA, so in Lexington, you will see me running around like a chicken with my head cut off, just like you have at every show since Cleveland. Las Vegas was an exception, primarily because of the unbelievable support of the AZ-D! You guys are fantastic! Every time I offered my services to run errands, or find people, or help with registration it was already done! You better believe I support recognizing and empowering local clubs, and making sure they are well supported at the national level. -Josh From: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of AZM Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 2:41 PM To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [DML] Re: DOA (my ideas too ) Josh - Let me add my perspective - Clubs/Businesses etc exist because there is a need in the market place that they fill. In the 80's the DOA filled a role providing owners a exchange of information. The challenge for the DOA is to find a new role for DeLorean owners that will offer something that is not being covered now at a value - or as I call it "a unique marketing position". Simply trying to reinvent DeLorean World Magazine is a stagnant idea. I find it concerning your comment of speaking to DMCH about discontinuing DeLoreans that is likely a strategic part of their business plan. Who better to have a forum then one of our main resource of historical knowledge, repairs, updates? Again we as owners are covered here with this. Others have articulated very well the resources that exist for gathering information informally (DMCnews, DMCTalk, Tamirs site Etc) not to mention the plethora of yahoo groups that are out there that offer an exchange on a local basis for support and camaraderie. Again we are covered here. My personal position is to "keep the monies at a local level" as it is your best return on investment. Looking back at the lively discussions with Ken Baker on the DOA we as a community have repeatedly requested transparency - what is the current number paid members, what are the financials etc - you want us to be come involved with turning the Titanic while flying blind and at a cost of $75.00.. I am also very concerned with DOA's involvement with DCS as they have never stepped up to support the shows with bodies. Simply having a booth with the vendors doesn't count!! Will you recognize the local west coast clubs (non DOA) that get the job done for the betterment of the show?. Lastly, Please don't take this as critical spewing.. Do a situational analysis and realize that, owner demographics have changed dramatically from the DOA's heyday and technology has improved communication/support (both at a global and regional level). Kevin has some great ideas below.. Find your unique marketing position and divorce yourself from the DOA's past. Go to the November meeting and create a plan and present it to us I know you will get our candid thoughts as simply throwing out ideas (discounts for DCS shows, DOA merchandise etc) reflect reactionary tactics without a grounded strategic vision and understanding where the DOA fits in today. Randal AZ-D 5501 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:dmcnews%40yahoogroups.com> , "Kevin Abato" <delorean@...> wrote: > > While I wish Josh well in his new position, and encourage others to continue to ask questions, I want to re-hash my thought on what I think the DOA should be. > > DOA should be free (or no more than a few dollars per year at most). It should not be a "club" but rather a central point for all delorean knowledge. A central contact and listing of all vendors, owners, forums, clubs, news, and historical information from the DMA in the past. > > Point the news media, owners, and enthusiasts to local clubs in their areas. Publish and promote DCS and regional club happenings > > Continue to publish a magazine, but make it electronic. Make all back issues available in electronic format too so that knowledge and history are not only preserved, but SHARED. > > Use yearly funds for insurance, costs of web hosting, (electronic) magazine costs creation , etc > > Be the unifier (but not owner) of all things Delorean. > > Kevin Abato > Vin# 16680 > www.grenexmedia.com > No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 8.5.422 / Virus Database: 270.14.20/2441 - Release Date: 10/16/09 18:39:00 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ------------------------------------ To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx For more info on the list, tech articles, cars for sale see www.dmcnews.com To search the archives or view files, log in at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dmcnewsYahoo! 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