I did the $15 Pep Boys "close to" antenna mast replacement too. As it turned out, the antenna I selected had a "ball" too large to fit through the top nut. Nutless, mine vibrates a tiny bit but works OK otherwise. Anyone else considering this replacement option might want to match their old belt teeth to the new one AND consider the size of the ball before purchasing a mast. One issue might be that your mast is rubbing against the opening in the pontoon, preventing smooth retraction. I had to cycle the antenna about a dozen times before it would retract completely. As I observed the antenna, I got my son to cycle the radio power on/off each time the antenna stopped moving. (You could probably use your rearview mirror to monitor the antenna while you controlled the power.) The spool eventually accepted the whole length of belt. You might want to compare the length of your new belt with the combined pieces of the old one. I believe I had to shorten mine a little to help eliminate the symptoms you describe. If you don't have the old pieces, trim very gradually or you'll be headed back to Pep Boys! :) As I recall, the end of the belt on my new mast had a shape that may have slipped a little and retraction wouldn't always start promptly. I'm not positive the antenna motor's run is time-based, but the motor "seemed" to time out before the antenna got all the way down. I remember trimming mine to match the shape on the original and it seemed to help retraction start more consistently and end more completely. Of course, your mast and experiences may vary. Hope this helps. Marv #10820 AZ-D --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "valleyrat12" <valleyrat12@...> wrote: > > I disassembled my antenna to find that the nylon feed gear was broken > in a couple of places. I went to Pep Boys and purchased one that > looked "close" to the original. It took a few attempts but finally the > mechanism accepted the new antenna. > > The only problem is that sometimes the antenna does not make it all > the way down. It gets stuck and then does not complete retraction. If > I help it a little bit it will retract all the way. I greased up the > nylon gear really good, it almost seems like it gets caught up on the > creases in the feed gear from when it was packaged. Has anyone else > had this experience? Do I need to adjust something? > > Nathan > 2277 (now with working radio) > To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx For more info on the list, tech articles, cars for sale see www.dmcnews.com To search the archives or view files, log in at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dmcnews Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dmcnews/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: dmcnews-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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