Re: [DML] Cold Idle Problem
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Re: [DML] Cold Idle Problem

check your idle speed motor if it is freezed (rusted) in place, this would
explain why it would idle so low when cold. Also check the connectors to the
idle ECU, idle motor and the connectors at the fire wall.. 

I also thought of a broken temperature sensor, but then still the control
circuit would keep the speed up at 775rpm - if it is able to do its job.

O2 Sensor has definitley nothing to do with it.


>     Hello list, I was hoping someone could point me in the right 
> direction on this. Last year my car started having a small problem 
> idling when the engine was cold. It wanted to stay around  500-
> 600 rpm. After it warmed up it was fine. I went ahead and put a 
> new cap,rotor,plugs and wires on it and it still did it. Well, I did 
> a quick fix and turned the throttle position in a little bit to raise 
> the idle.
>    Well here it is springtime and I'm ready to get it out again. I started
> it up and it still had the cold idle problem but was fine when warm.
> I'm ready to fix it for good now. Where should I start? I have a new o2
> sensor for it but I can't get the other one out so I'm gonna have a shop 
> do it for me plus a new fuel filter. Where else can I start at?   Any help
> would be appreciated. 
>    Thanks in advance.............Jason #5903

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