[DML] Re: Not so stainless?? HELP!
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[DML] Re: Not so stainless?? HELP!

Tom - There has been some great advice coming through on your 
question.  Here is a "think outside the box" response for you to 
consider.  I asked my materials experts what they would recommend 
for the lay person who has this issue on 304 CRES.  Assuming that 
you don't have access to exotic chemicals or flap sanders, try 
spongeing the areas to get them wet with Coca Cola.  While wet with 
Coke, rub the areas down with aluminum foil.  The phosphoric acid in 
the Coke will begin the passivation process in the CRES, and the 
aluminum foil will surrender some of its electrons while exposed to 
the acids.  The electrons will jump to the CRES, and will tend to 
make it far more "passive", which will make it less prone to this 
sort of surface rust.  Note that Pepsi will also work for this.  I 
have no commercial ties to either soft drink company!

Toby Peterson  VIN 2248 "Winged1"
DeLorean Parts Northwest, LLC

--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Tom" <tomciodmc@xxxx> wrote:
> I've uploaded some pictures of my car. Actually, some closeup 
views of my 'not so stanless' steel. Go to the photo section on 
Yahoo to view them. Can anyone tell me what to do with it? It looks 
like my car is developing some nasty skin condition that looks like 
chicken pox. It looks awful! 

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