Mark, You've asked a number of technical questions of which answers require entire books to be written. You definitely need to do some research and gain a thorough understanding of what changes arise in the combustion process when going to a boosted intake system.You'll find opinions here on the list, some with credentials and others merely speculative but there is so much more to this than a few simple paragraphs on the list can cover. An excellent source for books on super and turbocharging is I notice their web site is under construction right now. Their email is mbibks(at) their phone number is 1-800-826-6600. I strongly suggest you gain as much technical information as possible before tearing into this project. As a start I'd recommend keeping boost levels below 7 psi unless you plan to do some radical engine modification such as reducing compression with forged, dished, pistons. Ignition modifications are less than perfect for a boosted intake when you're dealing with an odd firing engine like the PRV. Intercooling is a benefit but with a rear engine car that's creating a vacuum like atmosphere in areas around the engine compartment while at speed, they can end up being only of marginal benefit without some modifications to the area surrounding the intercooler.. You will need a wastegate to maintain boost at a proper level. There are a few tricks to getting a bit more fuel from the K-Jetronic system but you really need a complete understanding of how the system works and an equally thorough understanding of the super charging process.As I said, there's more to it that a couple of paragraphs on the list can explain. Get a good book on supercharging and read it thoroughly before you start. Bruce Benson > I am beginning planning for my install of the vortech >supercharger I purchased. > 1) What is a safe boost level (psi) to use with this >setup on a stock delo engine? I am thinking about >getting a 10 psi pulley and using an adjustable pop->off valve to limit the max boost to whatever I set. Is > this possible? Where can I get a pop-off valve? (I'm >not talking about a blow-off valve) > > 2) What timing should I use? > > 3) I assume high-octane rating fuel and possibly >H2O/methanol injection may not be a bad idea? > > 4) Should I use an aftercooler? (where should I put it and where can I purchase one that will fit?) > > 5) What is the best way to get extra fuel into the >system under boost? > > 6) What system can I piggy-back to the existing >system to control all > of this or should I just replace the existing ignition >and fuel system? > > Is there anything else I am leaving out? > > Thanks for any help.... > #10901 will soon be worthy of it's looks! > Mark
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