I would hesitate to recomend using steel wool. It could scratch and you wind up with all the tiny bits of metal that will eventually rust and stain. First try alcohol and paper towels. The idea is to remove the wax which causes the blades to move in a jerky motion. After you get the windshield (windscreen) really clean THEN you can put the Rain-X on it. You can also take the wiper blades off and wash them with dish washing liquid to remove any sap or wax on them. It also rejuvenates the edge a little. This works on non-Delorean cars also. If the edge of the wiper blade is not square or is ragedy they should be replaced. Triple edge blades require a lot more spring pressure on them to work so you may never get them to work right on the Delorean. David Teitelbaum vin 10757
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, DMCVIN6683 <dmcvin6683@xxxx> wrote:Try 0000 (4 ZERO's) grade steel wool on the windshield with windshield
washer fluid. This will take all of the wax and built up dirt and other
stuff of your windshield you just cant see. I worked at a Ford
dealership and we used this to prep new cars and remove all of the
shipping spray film off the windows.
On Friday, January 16, 2004, at 01:59 PM, Robert Moseley wrote:
Does anyone else have the problem with "choppy wipers"?