Anyone coming to Maryland, DC or Virginia for Thanksgiving is invited to be my guest for our local chapter of the Acura NSX owners club. So far We have NSX's/M5's and an S2000 lined up, so if you'd like to invite a friend with a cool car (or a cool friend with a car), please do so. We have an AWESOME drive planned, including parts of Skyline Drive, Blue Ridge Parkway, hi-speed Interstate and twisty uphill/downhill sections: >From NO.VA.: I-66 West to 29 South to Warrenton >From MD (via Pt. of Rocks bridge) 15 South to 15/29 South to Warrenton. At Warrenton, follow signs to 211 West (MD/VA people will meet in Warrenton at 10 am!!!! - call Howard's cell and I'll locate an easy spot to meet. 703.593.4273) We'll take 211 West to Skyline Drive ($10 entry fee) and then proceed South, exiting at the Swift Run Gap Exit onto Rte. 33 West toward Elkton, VA. Then we'll take 340 South to I-64 East and climb to the top of Afton Mountain. We'll meet Lud at the Afton motel restaurant at 12:30 for lunch and panoramic views. ...and the obligatory photo op. After lunch, we'll go South on the Blue Ridge Parkway, then head down the mountain on 60 West toward Buena Vista. From there we'll hit I-81 North and then I-64 East heading back up Afton Mountain. This time atop Afton, we'll take Skyline Drive NORTH until the first exit at Swift Run Gap. (from there Lud will likely depart). We'll take 33 East back to 29 North and then head home. I expect everyone to be back in the DC area by 5:30-7pm, depending on where you live. Bring: cell phone, 2-way radio (and an extra if you have it). Please CALL me if you're going to make this drive (I won't have access to email after Friday)
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