Living the Dream,,and making it possible for others
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Living the Dream,,and making it possible for others

<--------Eventually, the right person will come along. A
person who wants to take on the challenge. Maybe it'll be because of
an intense passion for the car. Maybe it's someone who's looking for
this major of a car restoration, and they happen to spot this car, and
want it. Who knows. The point is that the best thing for the car is to
let it be. Give it time, things will click together-------------------

I was one of those guys that TOOK on the Challenge,and saved what 
would have become a parts Delorean(as the most expensive parts on the 
car were damaged)but I restored it(this was back in 1987)and because 
of MY CHALLENGE,and determanation,not to see another Delorean Bite 
the dust,This Delorean has SEEN another SIXTEEN YEARS of service and 
given at LEAST FIVE (that I Know of) other owners the Joy of owning a 
Delorean,which now resides in(the UK) Great Britian,(and the latest 
owner is on this list),Because of my sole act,of not parting out this 
car(1983 Delorean)at least 5 people,besides myself,have had the 
chance and the oppertunity to "Live the Dream" And this car will 
generate future "new" owners,(when the latest owner sells)that will 
also Live the Dream,in the UK,which again would not have 
happened/been possible,if back in 1987,I had decided to part it 
out.My whole POINT HERE is what you do NOW,may change someone's 
history on owning a Delorean.As I have stated,those Five owners after 
me,and EXPECALLY the two U.K. owners would not have had the 
oppertunity,to own Vin#1668_)
And missed out on the joyes of Delorean ownership.


Vin 00570 would positively not existed today,If I had Not "saved it" 
also Saved Three other Deloreans.But,had owned TWO others that were 
100% parts only.


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