The following dmcnews poll is now closed. Here are the final results: POLL QUESTION: How much do you drive your delorean a year? Is it your primary car or just for show and occasional fun? CHOICES AND RESULTS - 10,000 mi.+ a year, 1 votes, 3.70% - fair weather car 5,000-10,000mi, 7 votes, 25.93% - 1,000-5,000 mi, 13 votes, 48.15% - just for fun and show < 1,000 mi, 3 votes, 11.11% - this is my only car, if it breaks I call a friend, 3 votes, 11.11% INDIVIDUAL VOTES - 10,000 mi.+ a year - johne_g@xxxx - fair weather car 5,000-10,000mi - mpolans@xxxx - stuartalexander@xxxx - louie@xxxx - acprice1@xxxx - stitsien@xxxx - deloreandmcxii@xxxx - dmc_driver@xxxx - 1,000-5,000 mi - dswingle@xxxx - howgheyihadtoregisteragain@xxxx - mark@xxxx - gerenpreiss@xxxx - brentlun@xxxx - jmpdmc7878@xxxx - andersen@xxxx - grtroxell@xxxx - buickhawk@xxxx - bob7254@xxxx - khyron_21502@xxxx - delorean@xxxx - vin4258@xxxx - just for fun and show < 1,000 mi - meester@xxxx - treehouse2000us@xxxx - gmfm1@xxxx - this is my only car, if it breaks I call a friend - putsch.1@xxxx - DMCVegas@xxxx - Maul555@xxxx For more information about this group, please visit For help with Yahoo! Groups, please visit