James, When that happens to me, I cut the top off flat with a dremmel tool, use a pointed punch to start the hole in the middle and with a small drill bit, drill through the bolt. Then goto the next size larger drill bit and so on till you have most of the bolt eaten away. Then I put in the EZ out and normally they come out. If you can't get to it. Check with sears on a right angle drill head.. John Hervey www.specialTauto.com << All went well on my water pump removal save one tiny thing. The bottom mounting bolt broke!.. The pump is off, but only about 1/8 - 1/4 inch of thread is sticking out of the mounting nub (nub?) on the head.. and that little bit already rounded off from my vice grips. I can't get a drill in there (even with no muffler in the way.. non- stock exhaust) to tap it, and I've tried even seeing if I could turn it with a chisel. Being that there is a drain pug (I think it's the water jacket plug... why it's on the top of the block.. I don't know. fill me in on what that is) in the way, I can't drill from the back either. I have some ground effects that would make removing the rear facsia even less attractive an option that it was before... so i'm trying to avoid that. Any tips or tricks to removing such stubborn bolts?? Goddamn. It's such a simplistic engine. I love working on it cause everything (pretty much) is easy to get to, and look at and replace. But leaning over that rear facia just kills my back at knees. I think once I get done putting back together my engine i'm going to just epoxy coat the entire car.... it's funny how much I hate rust... on my DeLorean. Work -- DeLorean -- Sleep, that's my whole day lately. James 4009 when will get around to changing my userID? >>
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