That is what I'm thinking too. I believe that this is a one key system. There are some really strange things about this car that don't click. certain numbers I'm finding and other werid stuff. Who knows what was replaced and what is original, theres no way of telling. Theres like zip concrete history on my D. These are the scribles on my doors. Passenger door: 130901/11R 12th Sept 14 KH these are above the headliner On the Drivers door: 130901/11L WR5085X these are above the headliner the S is actually a 5 now that you point it out. Any clue what all this means? Todd Vin5386 --- K Creason <dmc4687@xxxx> wrote: > That's interesting, because according to your VIN, > you should be a one-key > car. > That would mean no WRxxxx code, just a straight four > digit number (7,000 - > 9,999). > The "S" is probably supposed to be a five, and the X > doesn't mean a thing if > it is a true door code. > Do you know if those are your original doors? My > doors also had my vin > written in, dates, and some other scribbles that > made no sense. No Elvis > signature, though. [long quote trimmed by moderator]