Bill and Group, Fuses are used in resistive load applications most of the time and when faster acting is required because when the light bulb turns on the load is there and doesn't have to wind up to get there. The circuit breaker is used in our application because we have inductive load fans and the CB will handle the higher inrush current longer over a longer period of time till the fans get up to running speed and drop back down. But, they will heat up and open and close where a fuse won't. I just don't like them because of that. You think it's a relay and it's really a CB. Pesky little devils. While were on the subject. Try not to overrate them. If anything try to go down in current and get a better action. I use fuses in The Fan Fix because of faster acting and no overheating. Solder in the fuse will melt at about 360 degrees and a CB will just site there and cook. So much for CB Vs Fuses. John Hervey << f course circuit breakers and fuses are not *IDENTICAL*: they're shaped differently, install differently, and one of them doesn't have to be thrown away. But functionally, they are equivalent. In fact, I'd argue that a fuse is even more sensitive, making it a better protector. I wasn't in the DMC boardroom when the decision was made either, but it is likely they decided to use a breaker in the fan circuit because: 1) Has anybody ever seen a 40 amp auto fuse? 2) The fuse box is full already 2) Resetable vs replaceable protection in the fan circuit could be a perceived advantage (my own fan circuit has yet to give me problem one, but that's another thread altogether) >>