Mike, We talk about fans all the time on the DML, The best thing to do is replace it. It's cheap and you can see it on my web site. The other thing you can do to keep the AC from alternating so often, is not run it on max. Run the AC on normal and add a little out side air with it if the LP swith cycles to much.On super hot day's in Texas, if everything is right, mine very seldom cycles anyway. Then about the only time the AC will alternate is if the low pressure switch is bad or if you truly getting low on freon. That's what I do and my AC almost never cycles. John Hervey http://www.specialtauto.com/ << Group, I just had my a/c serviced with new R-12 and luckily all went well...no leaks! and it blows cold. I have 2 fan questions...Is there any way to increase the fan output so it blows more? I know the answer may be to get a better fan :-)....2nd question is if there is any way to make the fan quieter? Maybe my blower motor is just old but on high speed it sounds pretty loud and just curious if anyone found a way to make it a little quieter...my solution so far is to turn my radio up.... >>