I just found out that here in New Jersey there is such a thing as an exemption for low mileage vehicles. If you drive less than 10,000 miles in 2 years you are eligable to waive the dyno test. To qualify you must have been fully inspected prior so they can check the mileage. This is great for me as I have regular plates on the car. My insurance limits me to 2,500 miles a year anyway so now I don't have to have the car put on the dyno. I am sure that in other States there are similar rules for opting out of dyno testing. You should check before you have to go. Although my car passes easily I don't like the fact that they put it on a dyno and take the chance they will overheat or damage my car! In New Jersey Parson's has the State contract to do the emissions testing in the State centers. They get so much money per car. When they exempt a car they get some amount less so they aren't inclined to let everyone know that you can avoid the dyno. Some of the testing personnel can't even drive a stick shift and there have been cases of them having run-away cars with 4-wheel drive! The centers can't dyno a 4-wheeler but sometimes they try anyway! This won't exempt you from an idle tailpipe test but a Delorean can pass that easily and with a lot less strain on the owner. It would be interesting to find out how different States handle Deloreans, some are more strict than others, New Jersey is nearly as bad as California now. New Jersey is one of only 2 States that has a "Hybrid" progam. That is it has State run inspection centers AND private inspection centers. There is a big controversy about Parson's, they haven't met time and testing criteria since getting the State contract. Whitman who was Governor at the time has since moved on and is now IN CHARGE OF THE FEDERAL EPA!!!!!!!! The present Governer is considering dumping Parson's.