Submitted by Dick Ryan - I believe that this announcement is appropriate to post on our mailing list. Dick Ryan --------------------------------------- I thought you would all like to know that your efforts were successful...the following announcement was just made by SEMA (Specialty Equipment Manufacturers Association): SCRAPPAGE IS DEFEATED ON U.S. SENATE FLOOR As a result of SEMA and SEMA-member companies' hard work to oppose the old-car scrappage provision in the Energy Policy Act of 2002 (Section 822 of S. 517), the provision has been defeated. Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell's (R-CO) amendment to eliminate scrappage from the legislation passed by unanimous consent. Even the principal sponsor of the scrappage provision, Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), was not willing to oppose the Campbell amendment! This is fantastic work which would not have been possible without the enthusiastic and valuable support of Sen. Campbell and the thousands of phone calls, faxes, e-mails and letters to U.S. senators that SEMA-member businesses and SEMA Action Network vehicle clubs and individual enthusiasts contributed. Hobbyist efforts were cited by Senator Campbell and Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) as a compelling force in defeating this scrappage provision. SEMA sincerely thanks everyone for their dedication, hard work, and willingness to protect the vehicle hobby today and to preserve for it for our children. Great work and thank all of you who made the effort to call or write.