Thanks for the plug Marty I have had an increase in event registrations over the past few weeks but the Hotel registrations have gone flat. A lot of you are playing musical Hotels and trying to get into the Hollywood. There have been cancellations but as of today its full again. Good luck Since 911 the hotel registrations have slowed down and its just now that the event registrations are picking up. As Marty stated based on the 150 rooms sold so far and averaging a bit below 2.5 per room as we have been doing thats about 350 people but everyone doesn't do every event. Based on the past two shows I am going to get a run near the deadline. This is going to be a great show and I have added a few more things to it. Since we are all car lovers and like cars a local Thunderbird group contacted me and wanted to come for the Saturday show as well. They plan to bring 12 mint condition 55-57 Thunderbirds for us to look at. Any Bricklin, Lotus or GTO people out there??????? Marty is right that the Saturday and Sunday events I have no control over the max people. I have opened up the Thursday and Saturday events so they are no problem at all. My thanks to David Knudson for the article in the DeLorean World. I know its been a subject here lately but at the same time I appreciate being able to advertise in it for this show. I understand Davis is stepping down from the magazine after a long time at the helm. It takes a lot to put together a magazine no matter whom it is. So David from me to you Thanks. A lot of work has gone into Memphis and a lot of memories will be rekindled and made here. Last time I spent a lot of time working on getting the cars to the show and we had many specialty cars. This time I have worked on getting different materials for the show. Much of what I have found has never been seen before at a show or published so it will be new and I hope educational and entertaining, George Crane will give you insights to things you would never have imagined. Many of you still don't know George but after Memphis you will. This show has been a collection of bits and pieces from many people and its there for you. We have three newscenters from Ireland planning on coming so it will truely be international. I think we are up to 18 to 20 coming from Europe. I also want to say Aaron Posey put on another spectacular event in Gatlinberg TN today and I just got home. The Dragon run is an amazing road that really puts the DeLorean in its home environment ( a challenging road for both car and driver) If you missed it this year maybe he will do it again. This group is becoming very active and supportive of the car show as well. Take care and see you in Memphis Ken <A HREF=""></A> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]