What I need to see in the new magazine is the only thing I would miss from the World magazine, ads from the vendors. Especially all the great stuff from PJ Grady (I don't think I need worry about Houston), how would you know they have these great sets of SS screws with philips heads to replace the rusty pozi jobs? The pedal pads? All those items not regularly listed. I read about fuel hoses, pickup hoses, inserting coils to keep them from collapsing and I read that PJ Grady has orange hoses that don't collapse. I need to know that. Then there is the trailing arm bolt discussion, I'm of the opinion that Grady has a better-than-stock bolt, it looks like John Hervey does too. I need to know that. I know that John has a better than stock pivot bolt. Now, as to the bolts, a total of three are involved, 2 trailing arm and 1 pivot (stick shift). Why would it not be reasonable to replace the 3 bolts rather than agonize and worry whether your D would survive with the originals. Are they bent, are they rusty, are they loose. They are considered inferior in design, replace them and go on with life. Not so?