I got a personal e-mail regarding the DMCTech site in view of the new search utility on the DMCNews site. Since others have expressed the same idea, I thought I'd like to share my response with the DML and DMCTech Group lists: Hi- I've checked out the new google search engine at the dmcnews site, and it is an improvement but I'm hardly overwhelmed. I'm still getting whole digests brought up, not individual messages or highlighted words. Heck, I could do that before. I ran a search on my screen name and came up with 130 entries over the last 2 years I've been on the list. On the actual DML site with the OLD search engine I came up with 30 last month alone. At least I get individual messages, bot whole digests. (I did it a few days ago... some numbers may be slightly off but you get my drift. It's not finding everything! I didn't just start writing in January.) And maybe I'm a search engine dunce, but I STILL can't see where to get the search words highlighted. And the google search engine is not all that intuitive about it, at least not for me. It's way, way feeble compared to what I have in mind. Let's put it this way; I have all the back issues of DeLorean World... a stack over a foot long on my shelf. There are tech articles in every issue. The old search engine is like thumbing through by reading the index in the front of every magazine, through all 18 or so year's worth of issues to try and find what you want. The new search engine, since it can "learn," is like using the DW index that lists all the topics and where they appear, sometimes several limited-scope articles per item. A big help, but you still have to flip back and forth among several issues reading a lot of stuff you don't need, in a "manual" contained in 4 huge binders. Not to pick on D World, but it's not primarily a tech manual... and neither are the DML archives, are they? That's why I'm asking contributors to send in their articles to DMCTech. By the way, everything you send to D World is copyrighted by D World. Since you've sold it to them, I'd guess you don't retain rights of republication. Maybe a DW staffer would care to shed light on that. At DMCTech, you still retain the rights to republish or whatever your own material. And in the early days, DW couldn't pay a cent for contributed articles either. Further, the new search engine doesn't address the "newbie file" idea at all. Unless you know WHAT to search for, you can't find anything! What I want to do is something like a good Chilton manual online, and eventually in print. Everything you need in concise format. Including stuff that isn't already there. Can you picture it? Don't you want it? I do! Wayne A. Ernst DMCTech Group