Delorean is how JZD's last name is really spelled (since his birth). However, while John was working at GM, he changed it to De Lorean in order to give it a more exotic flavor. Which is how you currently see it on the rear bumper. DeLorean is basicly a compromise of both, and is usually the most commonly used. Plus for me it's quicker to type. On a related note, these two spellings can make it difficult to find the info you're looking for when searching for web pages. And what you may not know is many more web pages are out there with the totally inaccurate misspelling of "DeLorian"! -Robert vin 6585 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Kevin Abato" <delorean@xxxx> wrote: > Question: I have seen it written many different ways. What is the correct > grammar for writing Delorean? <SNIP>