The website has a webcam that watches the Rock Hall: Friday morning from 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM you might see 70+ DeLoreans pass through the image in front of the Rock Hall on the Driving Tour. It updates once per minute. Assuming the weather is good, Saturday's Car Show will take place in the center right section of the image. As I write this, I can see a boat in the image, docked just behind the Rock Hall and to the right. This is the Goodtime III, which will take us on Sunday morning's Lake Erie Cruise. Feel free to log on and watch our departure at 11:00 AM Sunday. This Traffic cam shows a section of Freeway where the Driving Tour will pass by (right to left) between 12:30 and 2:00 Friday afternoon. This webcam gives live video feed. I'll see many of you tomorrow. For those who aren't coming, maybe you will see me! - Mike Substelny MODERATOR NOTE: Both links are now available at