The result of the poll was to tell me that it was (almost) not worth conducting. Apparently, very few people have ever had a cassette tape munched by their DeLorean. I am the only person who reported experiencing the problem. While these polls are not scientific, it is usually a good assumption that the people most likely to respond are the ones who have had the most difficulty. Because of this, I conclude that the probability of a tape being destroyed during the tour is very low. In case you are interested in my story, here are the details: Last year, on the way to Saint Louis, our Craig cassette player chewed up a book on tape. This has only happened once in seven years. Patti and I continued to operate the cassette player for the rest of the trip, including the long drive back to Cleveland, and experienced no further difficulties. Perhaps it was a fluke, or maybe a bad tape. Thank you all for your participation. - Mike Substelny VIN 01280, 7 years