I had the pleasure to finally meet John Z DeLorean himself in person Wedensday night at his Nephew's Commissioner Kickoff campaign gathering. John was of course the main speaker and as Mike pointed out made quite a political debut. Even got after Bob Dole and Viagra. There is so much to say that there is not enough space here to say it but the one thing that I did see was his appreciation of the DeLoreans. As he was leaving he came over to my car and asked me about it. After seeing it he commented that it looked better than when it left the factory and he just looked it over for a few minutes then we had our picture taken. His brother Charles who sold me the car told me if he knew it was that good he would have charged me more. A great Family and a Great car for pictures of the DeLorean family (and me, sorry lol) they will be posted in the next day or so on my web page <A HREF="http://deloreancarshow.com">deloreancarshow.com</A> The show is filling up fast and I am starting to work on alternate hotels There is no question that the 80 rooms at the Holiday Inn will be gone within the week there are less than 10 left. I will post alternatives once I find them. There is also an antique car show going on at the same time at Burke Lakefront airport, a five minute walk (10 minute drive). In addition I have the pleasure to announce that there will be airbrushed T-shirts with no two alike that will be available featuring all models 81-83 plus the Brandy's time machine. The shirts will be comprably priced as you would find them anywhere else starting at $40.00 and up. So far the most expensive one is $79.00 Wanna guess which one? I can also put a picture of you and your D on a T-shirt and if you send me the pictures before the show they are $8.00 at the show it will be $10.00 one side $12 two sides. Photos of you and your car on an 8 1/2 x 11 will be $10.00 and a 4x6 will be $5.00 if you want them I will supplyy the digital camera for it so if you don't have a camera don't worry. The photos can be taken the day of the show or at the Crawford and we will try to process them there while you wait. I am looking for computer volunteers to help me on this one I have two printers to run plus a show. Any volunteers???? There is still more to come in the next few days (contracts are a pain) Ken