Guess you have never been out someplace in the dark and had a flat tire. It is nice to stick a bottle on it and inflate your tire and drive home instead of being stranded. Since you will probably want to replace the tire anyway it just seems to me that you would want to waste the $4 on a can of fix-a-flat than pay a tow truck $50 to tow you...and you would have to make sure it was a flat bed tow truck at that. Just my opinion and you know what they are worth! ha! C vin 16367 --- Stephen Sunkel <sunkel@xxxx> wrote: > I have heard a lot of people referencing Fix a flat for repairing > flats or sealing the compact spare. I went to school with a friend > of mine that worked at a Sears automotive shop changing tires. He > told me that Fix a Flat will cause more trouble then it will help. > Tires will leak air for several reasons and fix a flat is worthless > for all of them. If a tire has a slow leak Fix a Flat might help but > it is extremely corrosive to aluminum rims and will trash the rims on > your D if left in for a period of time. Fix a Flat also softens the > rubber compound of the tire and will not allow a patch to adhere to > the tire when the hole is being repaired. New tire! If a tire has a > slow leak from a rim leak, a nail, or dry cracked tire, have the tire > dismounted and repair it with the correct procedures. If you are out > of town and you walk out to your car and see a flat tire, chances are > the hole is large and Fix a Flat will do no good here either it will > only seal small leaks. Maintain your air pressure in your spare as > you would check your oil and it will be OK, if it leaks have it > dismounted and checked. These are the principles I live by and have > had no problem whatsoever with leaking tires or spares. Fix a Flat > is a hokey farce and is just a false sense of security riding around > under your spare that will cost you more money in the long run. Just > thought I would share this info. > > Stephen VIN #3525 > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Before posting messages or replies, see the posting policy rules at: > > > To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: > moderator@xxxx > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > -- Easily schedule meetings and events using the group calendar! > -- > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
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