The Lambda counter is located under the dashboard next to the steering column. The speedometer cable passes through the counter (that's why there are upper and lower speedometer cables). The counter measures percent of use of the oxygen sensor, and the sensor has a predicted 30,000 mile life. That means that a Lambda counter showing 020 has travelled about 6000 miles since the last reset (20% of 30,000). The counter should never vary more than about 250 miles from the odometer. If it does, your odometer has been tampered with or your car has had a rare upper speedometer cable failure. To reset the counter, remove it from the car and look on the right side. You should see a small plastic disk with two holes in it. Using a pair of snap ring pliers (needlenose work also) rotate the disk until the counter reads 000. Mike Griese Storage Software Development Manager Tivoli Storage Management Rochester, MN 55901 Internet: magriese@xxxx office: (507)253-1853 mobile: (507)254-1859