Insurance companies can be trained! If you are having problems with your insurer over your DeLorean take the time to educate them about the car, the service network and the parts supply. Once you can get them to set aside their preconceived notions you can usually get insurance at a reasonable rate. Plus it makes it a lot easier if you ever need to process a claim. Mike Griese Storage Software Development Manager IBM Storage Systems Division Rochester, MN 55901 Internet: magriese@xxxx voice: (507)253-1853 fax: (507)253-2880 DMC5524@xxxx on 07/06/99 04:07:09 PM Please respond to dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx cc: (bcc: Mike Griese/Rochester/IBM) Subject: [DML] Re: CHEAP INSURANCE In a message dated 7/2/99 7:28:23 PM Central Daylight Time, delorean502@xxxx writes: << State Farm is the way to go. >> This may be true in Michigan, but not everywhere else. I had my DeLorean with State Farm here in Kansas. After the first six month contract they refused to renew my policy. They said by state law they had to insure it for six months because I was an existing policy holder. After that they declared it uninsurable do to the lack of replacement parts. I am currently using Farmers Insurance. They have given me reasonable rates and no problems with coverage. Dave VIN 5524 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just Tell Us What You Want... - Shopping the World for You! To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address to moderator@xxxx ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address to moderator@xxxx
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