RE: [DML] Re: locking up Michelins (was: DeLo's In Year 'Round Use)
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RE: [DML] Re: locking up Michelins (was: DeLo's In Year 'Round Use)

> Although the mechanic who helped me put them on (who
> owns a brake shop) told
> me that these were about the cheapest pads you could
> use, although Hervey 
> told me
> they were the "best available".

A person who only does brakes will sell you pads that
will last forever but may not be the best at stopping
your vehicle. Why? because they will offer things like
lifetime warrantees and won't want to pay on that
warranty on the off-chance you will remember and bring
it back. 
I'm not too concerned about that-- I don't mind
replacing pads every two years or so, I just want the
car to stop right. 
I don't like paying OEM premium prices for "soft" pads
(thinking about BMW, for one) but I don't want to mess
up what they've engineered to work right. Of course, I
haven't yet had to change the pads on the wife's
MINI....who-da-lolly can that car stop. And, wow, can
the 'S' go, too. 
Made me think about trading in the D for a few
minutes. But it's not ALL about the performance. I
like the uniqueness. I'd drive a Sunbeam (Tiger,
especially), too, but I wouldn't be quite as happy as
I am in the D.

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