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There are 14 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: scratches on delorean
From: Bob Brandys <BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
2. Re: scratches on delorean
From: "David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
3. Re: scratches on delorean
From: "Toby Peterson" <tobyp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
4. Re: Carpet/XXXL shirts...
From: "gullwingmagazine" <gullwingmagazine@xxxxxxxx>
5. T-panel bent....
From: "supermattthehero" <supermatty@xxxxxxx>
6. Damaged Fiberglass Shell for Sale
From: "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxxxxxxx>
From: gullwingmagazine@xxxxxxxx
8. Re: Has this ever happened to you, to anyone?
From: "Joe Thome" <joethome@xxxxxxx>
9. RE: Re: scratches on delorean
From: MichaelRPack1@xxxxxx
10. looking for ben davis
From: "Vicky Miller" <delo1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
11. Re: T-panel bent....
From: "David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
12. Re: T-panel bent....
From: "Dave Swingle" <swingle@xxxxxxxxxxx>
13. Re: XXXL Delorean shirts...
From: "d_rex_2002" <rich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
14. DeLorean Christmas Cards, the history
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 10:18:57 -0600
From: Bob Brandys <BobB@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: scratches on delorean
For large scratches I start with 36 grit and finish with 80. For a
general cleaning I will use 80 grit.
Message: 2
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 17:25:47 -0000
From: "David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: scratches on delorean
The "best " answer is the finest grit that will remove the scratch. A
more practical answer is to try with 120-150 grit. If you want to be
really aggressive you can go all the way to #80 which is what I like
to use. Till you get good enough to do it in straight lines (in the
beginning it is very hard to go really straight, you tend to arc) use
masking tape for a guideline. On flat surfaces you can use a short
piece of 2 x 4 so you hold it flat and use even pressure. On curved
areas you can use a stiff sponge with the sandpaper wrapped around it.
Don't just work the scratch, work the whole area around it. When you
finish with the sandpaper do the whole area with a blending pad. Don't
get too excited about how shiny it now is. You can either do the whole
car with a blending pad or wait a week and it will "dull down". Stay
away from the plastic and fiberglass with the sandpaper and blending
pad. If you have to work close to it cover with masking tape. I like
the 3M blue stuff, it isn't so sticky and removes without any residue.
When you finish you could also rub the area down with alcohol to
remove the fine traces of sandpaper grit and S/S dust. Remember, you
are actually SCRATCHING the S/S so make sure you are going straight!
The graining is nothing more than surface scratches but all in the
same direction.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "funkstuf" <funkstuf@xxxx> wrote:
> Ok guys..
> Here's the million dollar question.
> What is the BEST way to remove small scratches from a Delorean.
> It appears that sandpaper will work if you have the right grit and
> are able to maintain a straight line.
> If this is true... What is the right grit?
> Any ideas welcome, including any or all equipments and methods.
> Thanks
> Dale Funk
> Vin # 4984
> Washington State
Message: 3
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 06:30:18 -0000
From: "Toby Peterson" <tobyp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: scratches on delorean
Dale - The best way that I have found to remove small cross-grain
scratches in the DeLorean skin is to use Scotchbrite pads. They are
available in several different "grits", depending on how fine a
finish you want on your car. I use a finer grit that is dark brown
in color to produce a satin smooth look without aggressive grain.
The pads "flow" over the contours very easily, and it really is not
that big of a challenge to maintain a straight line. Why don't you
come to the next PNDC tech session, and we'll show you all about
it. My records indicate that you are a member, so you are certainly
welcome and encouraged to take advantage of these club benefits.
Contact me off-list and I'll get you "plugged in". This same
encouragement goes to all of you out there who belong to the various
regional clubs, but are not using those resources. Active club
members all over the country would like nothing more than better
attendance at club functions. Come on guys ... use us!
Toby Peterson VIN 2248
Winged1 (TobyP(at) - Washington State.
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "funkstuf" <funkstuf@xxxx> wrote:
> What is the BEST way to remove small scratches from a Delorean.
> It appears that sandpaper will work if you have the right grit and
> are able to maintain a straight line.
> If this is true... What is the right grit?
> Any ideas welcome, including any or all equipments and methods.
Message: 4
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 22:13:59 -0000
From: "gullwingmagazine" <gullwingmagazine@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Carpet/XXXL shirts...
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "geek123y" <service@xxxx> wrote:
> I have replaced my carpet and headliners in black
> Now that I have done it, I really do prefer the gray
> Black makes the small interior even smaller
> If anyone is interested as to how their interior
> will look in black, just e-mail me and I will
> send you a picture.
> Ken #2700
> P.S. James - who is wearing these XXXL shirts?
> One more X and they can't fit in the car.
Hi Ken C:
I'll answer that question so James doesn't need to...
First of all, thanks to Stephen Wynne for making 3XL shirts
available... Ron can wear them.
Secondly, you're right... one more "X" and he wouldn't be able to fit
in the car. Ron says, the next size after 3XL would be CAR COVER
size!!!!! Ha, Ha!
Message: 5
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 18:26:56 -0000
From: "supermattthehero" <supermatty@xxxxxxx>
Subject: T-panel bent....
In the midst of detailing my DeLorean I noticed that the passenger
side of the T-panel is bent upwards a bit. It seems like the
passenger door also opens a lot more forcefully than the driver-side
door. Coincidence? Any thoughts how I might go about fixing this?
Could the passenger torsion bar be torqued too much?
Today has been a sad day so far. I knocked out two 6 inch holes in
each of the left and right rear suspension box sections of the
frame. Front part of the frame seems to be rust free, although
there is a lot of rust on the lower control arms. Anyway, the car
is still much better now than it was when I received it.
Message: 6
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 05:10:50 -0000
From: "erikgeerdink" <erikgeerdink@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Damaged Fiberglass Shell for Sale
I have a damaged fiberglass shell available to the first person who
emails me. The entire front is pretty much gone, but the rest of the
shell is good.
I would prefer the person come pick it up, but it can be delivered
for a fee. The shell is currently on my trailer and is completely
stripped of everything but the rear window (still intact and not
I live in Holland, MI and the shell is available immediately. I would
like to get it out ASAP.
Message: 7
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 16:16:18 -0600
From: gullwingmagazine@xxxxxxxx
(One size fits All!)
Thanks to everyone for submitting quality photos for this awesome
collection of DeLoreans. This year's calendar includes custom DeLoreans,
painted DeLoreans, DeLoreans in unique and interesting poses and
beautiful background sceneries. There's even a bonus cover photo that
features a group shot of Ds with the WTC Twin Towers in the skyline.
Simply beautiful!
The 12-month calendar is assembled like a booklet or magazine (no spiral
binding), 11 X 17 (open) glossy full-color photos with bleed to edge of
page (no borders), for 8 1/2 X 11 (closed) frameable prints.
Now available for $15.00 ea. (US shipping included).
Canadian: add $1.50 ea. shipping.
Foreign: add $5.00 ea. shipping.
(Discounted shipping charges for more than 1 quantity per envelope. Send
e-mail request for rates.)
ORDER TODAY for delivery before Christmas by sending check or money order
P.O. Box 991
St. Peters, MO 63376
or electronic fund transfers available using checking account or credit
card via to gullwingmagazine(at)
We're also accepting new photo submissions NOW for consideration in the
2005 DeLorean Calendar at the address listed above or the e-mail address
listed below. 2005 Calendars will be available at the Pigeon Forge
event, and if your photo is chosen, your copy is free!
Thank you,
Ron & Cheryl Wester
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 8
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 11:31:06 -0800
From: "Joe Thome" <joethome@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Has this ever happened to you, to anyone?
To: K. Creason,
It is not only disappointing but puzzling as well, to encounter such an
unfriendly fellow DeLorean owner as you have, but it happens. While most
DeLorean owners are friendly, a few can best be described as more similar to
the two-word part of the human anatomy with the initials AH. A few months
ago a member of this list wrote to this list seeking input from fellow
DeLorean owners on a problem he was having with is DeLorean. I recently
wrote to him off list explaining that I was having a similar problem and was
wondering whether his problem was eventually resolved to his satisfaction.
He did not have the courtesy to respond. Some DeLorean owners are friendly
and helpful, a few are more anal. It's a shame and unnecessary.
----- Original Message -----
From: "K. Creason" <dmc4687@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 7:03 AM
Subject: RE: [DML] Has this ever happened to you, to anyone?
> I wish...
> I work at a government center and there is another D there, or was anyway.
> The guy never called me and I left several messages under his wiper, etc.
> Once I was pulling out of one parking lot to go down the street and he was
> driving passed. I saw his face kind of do a "what?" and I followed him to
> the building where he parked but he jumped out and ran in before I could
> catch him and talk to him. He obviously likes being a lone wolf or
> something.
> Frustrating-- another owner so close, but so far away.
> I have not seen the car in quite some time.
> To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
> moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx
> For more info on the list, tech articles, cars for sale see
> To search the archives or view files, log in at
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Message: 9
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 12:56:46 -0500
From: MichaelRPack1@xxxxxx
Subject: RE: Re: scratches on delorean
Hello List,
I have moved 3 times this year. WHEW! I cannot find my Kent-Moore flap wheel. It's in the mountain of boxes somewher in my house. I would like to touch up an area of my lower quarter panel. If anyone has an extra tool for sale, please email me. I will pay top dollar for another brand new tool.
Michael Pack
"David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>The "best " answer is the finest grit that will remove the scratch. A
>more practical answer is to try with 120-150 grit. If you want to be
>really aggressive you can go all the way to #80 which is what I like
>to use. Till you get good enough to do it in straight lines (in the
>beginning it is very hard to go really straight, you tend to arc) use
>masking tape for a guideline. On flat surfaces you can use a short
>piece of 2 x 4 so you hold it flat and use even pressure. On curved
>areas you can use a stiff sponge with the sandpaper wrapped around it.
>Don't just work the scratch, work the whole area around it. When you
>finish with the sandpaper do the whole area with a blending pad. Don't
>get too excited about how shiny it now is. You can either do the whole
>car with a blending pad or wait a week and it will "dull down". Stay
>away from the plastic and fiberglass with the sandpaper and blending
>pad. If you have to work close to it cover with masking tape. I like
>the 3M blue stuff, it isn't so sticky and removes without any residue.
>When you finish you could also rub the area down with alcohol to
>remove the fine traces of sandpaper grit and S/S dust. Remember, you
>are actually SCRATCHING ?the S/S so make sure you are going straight!
>The graining is nothing more than surface scratches but all in the
>same direction.
>David Teitelbaum
>vin 10757
>--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "funkstuf" <funkstuf@xxxx> wrote:
>> Ok guys..
>> Here's the million dollar question.
>> What is the BEST way to remove small scratches from a Delorean.
>> It appears that sandpaper will work if you have the right grit and
>> are able to maintain a straight line.
>> If this is true... What is the right grit?
>> Any ideas welcome, including any or all equipments and methods.
>> Thanks
>> Dale Funk
>> Vin # 4984
>> Washington State
>To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
>For more info on the list, tech articles, cars for sale see
>To search the archives or view files, log in at
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Message: 10
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 14:09:10 -0500
From: "Vicky Miller" <delo1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: looking for ben davis
hello group
looking for ben davis please email me privately
have had computer problems
and lost the email address
bob miller
Message: 11
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 19:12:32 -0000
From: "David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: T-panel bent....
If the "T" panel isn't bent much it can be fixed by removing it and
gently applying force to straighten it by hand on the floor. Use a
piece of carpet and be very careful of the sharp edges! Use a new
piece of foam under the front when you reinstall. Clean up the area
under the "T" panel and remove the cover plate and check inside. When
you reinstall it should be centered by sliding it side to side until
you have the gap on the top between it and the 2 doors equal. If a
door opens too forcefully you can try switching the struts but you may
need an adjustment on the torsion bar. Be real careful with the
plastic valence that holds the rear of the "T" roof. They are
unavailable and are rather fragile so don't force it on or off.
David Teitelbaum
vin 10757
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "supermattthehero" <supermatty@xxxx>
> Hello,
> In the midst of detailing my DeLorean I noticed that the passenger
> side of the T-panel is bent upwards a bit. It seems like the
> passenger door also opens a lot more forcefully than the driver-side
Message: 12
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 19:18:45 -0000
From: "Dave Swingle" <swingle@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: T-panel bent....
This is often caused by the entire roof cage separating from the
fiberglass - usually caused by overtorquing the torsion bars and/or
time. There is a procedure to fix this (see link below) but this is
NOT for the faint of heart or inexperienced as it involves removing
the torsion bars and all the associated risks of damage to the roof,
window, torsion bars, and yourself. If you determine that this is
needed find someone who has adjusted doors before, and has the right
To inspect for this, remove the black plastic trim panel just above
the rear window. Watch the black steel part as you have someone else
open and close the door. If the black steel moves in relation to the
window (and usually you can see where it separated because you can
see the glue that used to hold it in place) you have the problem.
Dave S
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "supermattthehero" <supermatty@xxxx>
> Hello,
> In the midst of detailing my DeLorean I noticed that the passenger
> side of the T-panel is bent upwards a bit. It seems like the
> passenger door also opens a lot more forcefully than the driver-
> door. Coincidence? Any thoughts how I might go about fixing
> Could the passenger torsion bar be torqued too much?
> Matt
> #1604
Message: 13
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 20:10:16 -0000
From: "d_rex_2002" <rich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: XXXL Delorean shirts...
> > P.S. James - who is wearing these XXXL shirts?
Ken, the answer is obvious: SANTA wears that size.
(same santa that is on the Delorean Christmas card)
He wears it on the beach after Christmas is over and when
he heads down to Costa Rica with James for a vacation.
Good thinking James, keeping Santa happy.
Rich W.
Message: 14
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 14:56:26 -0600
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DeLorean Christmas Cards, the history
Sometime in 1997 or so, IIRC, someone contacted Knut Grimsrud about the
holiday cards. They used a photo of Knut's (correct me if I'm wrong, Knut)
car as a model and then the guy had the cards printed. I ended up buying the
whole run of them from the guy and selling them to fund the DML.
Right as I was moving to Texas, the guy contacted me offering to sell a few
sets he had left over and the artwork/rights as he was getting out of the
business. He said if I didn't buy them he was going to sell them with the
rest of the inventory/artwork to someone else who wanted to buy him out. I
bought rest of the cards from him (sans envelopes, which he didn't have) and
passed on the artwork/rights. His old name/address was on the backs of the
cards, but I'd bet those are no longer valid.
It's a neat design, but maybe one of the artistic ones on the list
(Shannon?) could come up with a new design for next year...
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