[DML] Digest Number 394
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[DML] Digest Number 394

Title: [DML] Digest Number 394

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There are 13 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. RE: Re: headliner cleaner?
           From: "Bryn Potter (NEC)" <v-brynp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      2. Broken Hood Release Cable
           From: deloreanetwork@xxxxxxxxxx
      3. RE: Delorean Model Seriously now!
           From: "Montgomery, Ken" <kenm@xxxxxxxx>
      4. Re: Re: DMC12 Handling on the limit
           From: William T Wilson <fluffy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
      5. Re: Auto Trans GC Cap size
           From: "Dave Sontos" <dsontos@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
      6. Re: Adjusting the T-panel
           From: "Mark Hershey" <dmcinfo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      7. Re: Auto Trans GC Cap size
           From: "Mark Hershey" <dmcinfo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
      8. Houston Open House/Backlit Gauges Update
           From: Jim Reeve <ultra@xxxxxxx>
      9. Re: NEW RP Engine.
           From: Bob Brandys <oehcs@xxxxxxxxx>
     10. Re: RE: DeLoreans in Olympia
           From: police6627@xxxxxxx
     11. Re: Binnacle recovering
           From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
     12. Re: RE:Engine Problems
           From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
     13. Nose Bra

           From: badgeman46@xxxxxxxxxxx


Message: 1
   Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 14:05:18 -0800
   From: "Bryn Potter (NEC)" <v-brynp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Re: headliner cleaner?

I removed the head liners and took them to the drycleaners. Worked like a

~Bryn 10010

[Long quote trimmed by moderator]


Message: 2
   Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 13:17:52 -0800 (PST)
   From: deloreanetwork@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Broken Hood Release Cable

I apologize if this subject has been covered before!

I have an '81 that has a broken hood release and the cable is too far inside
the inner part of the release cable to all me to release the hood to get it
open.  My car is nearly out of fuel and I have no idea how to get the hood
open so that I can (a.) Fix the release, (b.) install the backup release
cable so this never happens again, and (c.) fill up the tank!

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!

Thank you,

VIN# 10715
VIN#   980
VIN#  3133

Send a cool gift with your E-Card


Message: 3
   Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 16:07:48 -0800
   From: "Montgomery, Ken" <kenm@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Delorean Model Seriously now!

Grrr... OK, I'm seriously serious here too!

YES! I am the person to contact about the models that Lee Seiler makes.

I have asked.. more than once.. to NOT have these messages posted out to the
whole list. It doesn't help anything and it gets people needlessly worked

For example, this message was forwarded to me yesterday by one of the
moderators. I replied directly to the individual and am awaiting his reply
to me. Then, for some reason, is shows up on the DML. Why??

Again, if any of you want to know more about the Ltd. Edition Model Kits,
who to talk to, etc. Read the back issues! If fact, before you ask ANY
question here read the back issues. They are a fantastic resource about all
these subjects that come up over and over again.

And as an update to the model kits, there are close to 20 that have to be
finished, as far as I can get numbers from Lee. But that still means over 70
of them have been delivered. So yes, they are real, they are still being
produced and if you've owed one and HAVE NOT contacted me, please do so. I
want to stay in touch personally with everyone to who Lee owes a kit. I've
talked to many of you several times and I WILL keep you posted.

Ken Montgomery

> -----Original Message-----
> From: At88 [mailto:melvnhel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 8:25 PM
> To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [DML] Delorean Model Seriously now!
<< SNIP >>


Message: 4
   Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 18:05:53 -0500 (EST)
   From: William T Wilson <fluffy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: DMC12 Handling on the limit

On Wed, 31 Jan 2001 jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> I believe that to know your car and your skills you need to push to
> the limits. It should be done under contolled conditions like a
> motorcross event or slalam. Just make sure that you have insurance
> coverage for the event. If you have collecter car insurance it may not
> cover either collision or LIABILITY. It would be bad enough to ding

Most organizations that sanction an autocross event will typically have
their own insurance.  The SCCA is by far the largest operator of autocross
events and they carry very adequate coverage.  In fact, the insurance
coverage for a single event is more than the sum of all the claims ever
filed against them.

For open track events, the organizer's coverage may vary from excellent to
nothing at all.  Check with the organizer.

If the track event is a driver's school, your insurance covers you unless
it is specifically excluded.  Most policies will exclude "racing and
preparation for racing."  An open track day or an autocross both can be
construed as these, whereas an instructed driver's school, legally, can
not (even though people do use them to prepare for racing).

If you have an "umbrella" policy with your auto insurance, it is likely to
cover you for liability (only) regardless of the situation.  I got one of
these specifically to participate in track events.  These can be
surprisingly inexpensive.

Generally, if you talk to your insurance policy and ask them if you are
covered, they will tell you that you aren't, and then they will raise your
rates.  They might even cancel you (this is less likely and possibly
illegal in some places).  The final arbiter is the text of the policy
itself.  Read it.

> your own car but you could be held personally accountable for damage
> to other's property or worse injuries to a passenger or spectator. 

In an autocross, there is basically no risk of this.  Whether there is any
risk on an open track depends a great deal on the particular event.  The
good news is that tracks are generally designed to maximize the safety of
spectators and the chances of your injuring anyone are really really

Don't worry too much about damaging the car.  If it's in good condition to
begin with, it'll still be in good condition when you're done.  On an
autocross, you're basically by yourself, and you'll be grouped with other
inexperienced drivers, so you won't be holding anything up.  On an open
track, usually there will still be special sessions for slower drivers and
vehicles.  If you want to be really conservative, just drive the way you
would on the street, and you'll be at no risk at all.

FWIW, even if you do hit a tire wall, the damage won't be all that bad. 
(Last month I nailed a tire wall at 65 mph in my RX-7 and caused only body


Message: 5
   Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 19:16:35 -0500
   From: "Dave Sontos" <dsontos@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Auto Trans GC Cap size

Matt, you need to contact John Hervey directly. He knows the computer
circuit inside out. He's on the list, John where are you........

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew L. Walker" <mwalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 9:26 PM
Subject: [DML] Auto Trans GC Cap size

> Hi Folks.
> I am trying to redo the circuit board on the Auto Trans GC -- one major
> problem, when I cleaned the board with lacquer thinner it also cleaned off
> the caps completely.  I have no idea what size they were to begin with
> Any help greatly appreciated.
> I am referring to the electrolytic capacitors on circuit board.
> Matthew L. Walker
> VIN #1219
> Pix at www.dragon-reach.org/delorean.htm

[Duplicate quote snipped by moderator]


Message: 6
   Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 18:55:46 -0600
   From: "Mark Hershey" <dmcinfo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Adjusting the T-panel

T-panel held only by 6 screws behind rear outer door seal (3 each side. OK,
maybe four). Not held behind sunshade except by small unsecured tabs that
will not get interfere with moving panel laterally.

\\ Mark.

> I'm guessing that the t-panel is only fastened at the rear, under the


Message: 7
   Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 18:49:12 -0600
   From: "Mark Hershey" <dmcinfo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Auto Trans GC Cap size

Original caps 4.7 microfarad 6 or 10 V electroylitcs (some were 6 volt, some
10, and I've even seen one of each on the same board!)

I'd like to know if the black rubber end seals were blown out of your caps.
Please reply.

Replace with 4.7 to about 10 microfarad (whatever you can find ) TANTALUM,
not electroylitc, caps. Get at least 20 Volt units, larger (like 50 volt) if
they'll fit.
// Mark

[Quote snipped by moderator]


Message: 8
   Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 21:44:00 -0600
   From: Jim Reeve <ultra@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Houston Open House/Backlit Gauges Update

Does anyone here have any "official" info on the Houston open house this
June?  I would like to start planning my trip, but I need to know if
there are any "official" accommodations I should look into or just go
ahead and get my own economy room.  Plus it would be nice to just see a
schedule of events thats going on.  I would like to officially "debut"
my backlit gauge conversion at this event.

On another note, yes, I AM working on the backlit gauge modification.
>From the first few weeks I posted about it, I got quite a few replies
from people interested.  Right now, I have about 20 interested parties.
>From those who remember my original posts about it, I will need at least
20 confirmed orders if I'm going to go through with this.  By the end of
February, I will have a completed prototype.  At this time, I will post
complete pictures of it, along with a general description of what
exactly is going to be done to the instrument cluster.  For those
interested in the conversion, I will need a $100 deposit for each order
at that time so my loss is minimal if some people back out at the last
second.  More information about pricing and ordering will be posted in
late February, or you can email me if you wish to know the details now.
Once the production parts I need start coming in, I will do the final
conversion on my dash.  Then if all goes well, it will be ready for the
Houston open house.  There, I would like to officially debut the
conversion.  After I get back from that trip, I will start accepting
remaining payments for those who only paid the $100 deposit.  I will
then start doing each conversion ONE binnacle at a time, so I can better
manage my resources.  I will be in constant contact with everyone who
orders one, updating them on their payment, when to send their binnacle,
and when it is finished.  Each one should take 1-2 weeks with shipping.
During this time, each binnacle will be temporarily installed on my car
for testing.  Once everything is good, I will send it back to the owner,
and tell the next person on the list to send in their binnacle.  Again,
further information regarding the procedure of getting the conversion
can be obtained by emailing me directly.

For anyone that this is all new for, information regarding the backlit
dash conversion can be found at my original message at

Anybody who would like to reach me in private, can contact me at
ultra'at'isd.net, or my AOL Instant messenger screen name which is

I'll see you all in Houston!
Jim Reeve
MNDMC - Minnesota DeLorean Club


Message: 9
   Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 18:56:59 -0600
   From: Bob Brandys <oehcs@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: NEW RP Engine.

A new engine based on the roots of the original delorean engine is making
is debue in Europe.

It is worth a lock in terms of HP, performance, mileage and emissions.  3
liter,  210 HP etc.

The web site is.


Bob Brandys


Message: 10
   Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 19:55:16 EST
   From: police6627@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: RE: DeLoreans in Olympia

Dear list:
I buy my models from the collectors guild and in late Feb they will offer a
Delorean. the phone number is 1-800-653-0251. It will be 1:12 and supposly
made from stainless steel. They do not have a price yet. If you call the
number they will take your order or send you a magazine. 

Mike Leising
Sugarland, Tx
82 Vin 11288

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 11
   Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 06:13:45 -0000
   From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Binnacle recovering

Steve, I have had the binnacle recovered in leather and dyed grey to
match the interior. It has a sewn seam on each side and if you didn't
know it wasn't supposed to be there you wouldn't know it. I can put
it on my site if anyone is intrested. I haven't put on my car yet.
11004 is going to get it. I did most of the prep b/4 I took it to the
shop to have it covered.
John Hervey

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, srubano@xxxx wrote:
> Has anyone had their Binnacle (instrument cluster housing)
> recovered successfully? I remember speaking to one person
> about this a while back and remember them saying that you
> couldn't do it because the new material may get in the way. . .

[Snipped by moderrator]


Message: 12
   Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 06:26:17 -0000
   From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: RE:Engine Problems

 Dmc Joe is correct that the throttle would have to be engauged. My
thought was when I wrote that was that the switch may be shorted
closed or the wires touching somewhere which would cause the
Thanks Joe, for catching that
John hervey

--- In dmcnews@xxxx, dherv10@xxxx wrote:
> Joe, Just a thought and an idea. #1. Since the 02 sensor/thru the
> Lambda unit controls mixture by way of the F.V. #2 Then when the
> throttle switch is engaged it overides the 02 sensor to the lambda/
> Frequency Valve to lower the pressure in the lower chamber of the
> fuel distributor, maby that's where the problem. When the pressure
> lowered more gas is available. I have never had the problem, but a
> Volvo service shop if no De Lorean shop is around could analize the
> problem. With the right equipment.
> John Hervey
> 11004,6935,6568.
> www.specialTauto.com
>  --- In dmcnews@xxxx, Joe Palatinus <jpalatinus@xxxx> wrote:
> > I get almost exactly 15 miles to the gallon of gass on my daily
> driving D.


Message: 13
   Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 21:29:10 -0000

   From: badgeman46@xxxxxxxxxxx

Subject: Nose Bra


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