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There are 25 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: Water Pump Replacement
From: Martin Gutkowski <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
2. Re: Water Pump Replacement
From: "basfe25" <dmcman73@xxxxxxxxxxx>
3. RE: Water Pump Replacement
From: "IN2TIME" <Gary@xxxxxxxxxxx>
4. Re: Re: Help prevent Propagation of Delorean Myths from BTTF
From: Vin 5386 <delorean_stainless@xxxxxxxxx>
5. a new one...
From: "Dan RC30" <Danrc30@xxxxxxxxxxx>
6. Radiator pipe mounting bracket
From: "James La Londe" <deloreandmcxii@xxxxxxxxxx>
7. AW: Door lock module & Fire
From: "Elvis Nocita" <elvisnocita@xxxxxx>
8. Re: electronic challange for all
From: "therealdmcvegas" <DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx>
9. Re: Restaurant with a DeLorean
From: "dmc83n99@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <dmc83n99@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
10. Re: painted cars, sample panels, etc.
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
11. RE: Re: Help prevent Propagation of Delorean Myths from BTTF
From: "Kevin Abato" <delorean@xxxxxxxxx>
12. Delorean Myths/DeLorean facts
From: "Montgomery, Ken" <kenm@xxxxxxxx>
13. Re: Re: Help prevent Propagation of Delorean Myths from BTTF
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
14. Re: Re: Help prevent Propagation of Delorean Myths from BTTF
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
15. Re: Downfall of the DMC?
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
16. Re: Window Tint
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
17. Las Vegas car for sale
From: "espritmark" <markcl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
18. Valve Adjustment & the Shop Manual
From: "Eric" <ericp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
19. New Fuel Gauge Sending Units...
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
20. Re: Delorean Myths/DeLorean facts
From: Todd Masinelli <tmasin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
21. Re: Valve Adjustment & the Shop Manual
From: "B Benson" <delornut@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
22. RE: Window Tint
From: "K Creason" <dmc4687@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
23. Re: Alternator ( Life or Death )
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
24. Re: Delco Alternator swap
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
25. Re: Delco Alternator ( Final )
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 16:59:58 +0100
From: Martin Gutkowski <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Water Pump Replacement
That was me :-)
For the record, we DID find a ready source of new (not reconditioned)
pumps from - the price is £42 + tax (not
applicable if sending abroad).
The original confusion was down to a mis-matched cross reference in the
official Volvo service book.
Best Wishes
#1458 & #4426 (get it right this time....)
dherv10@xxxxxxx wrote:
>I sent one to
>England because they were even having a hard time identifying it. They
>finally did, but they couldn't for a while.
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 16:10:36 -0000
From: "basfe25" <dmcman73@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Water Pump Replacement and in their stores. New water pumps from Aitex
with lifetime guarantee.
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, dherv10@xxxx wrote:
> Steve, Darryl has a great pully and it works well when you can
find the pump.
> I don't know what auto supply store you go to, but nobody in
Dallas, Texas
> stocks the pumps for Darryls pully. They don't even stock my pump
for the
> push on pully.I have to order them several at a time to get the
price down.
> We have to remember that we are working with a 20+ year old car
and stores
> arn't stocking for V6 Volvo engines. Most are going to the
crusher. Fact is
> that most people have a hard time Identifying which pump it is. I
sent one to
> England because they were even having a hard time identifying it.
> finally did, but they couldn't for a while.
> John
> << Same thing with the water
> pump...I purchased the common available Volvo water pump with the
> bolt on pulley and purchased the bolt on pulley for it to work
> the Delorean from Darryl. Again, no special presses needed or
> to wait for a shipment to come in...trip to the auto parts store
> I'm off and running again. >>
Message: 3
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 10:26:33 -0700
From: "IN2TIME" <Gary@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Water Pump Replacement
> Darryl has a great pulley and it works well when you can find the
The online store for CSK (Checker, Schucks, Kregen) and Advance Auto is; Just enter 1311851 in the part number search,
to find the Beck/Arnley 131-1851 that works with Darryl's pulley.
I reference this site only to locate parts that I already know (by a
reliable cross-reference) are the correct part numbers for the DeLorean.
When in doubt, buy from a DeLorean vendor.
For instance, if you select 1981 DELOREAN DMC 12 V6 2.9 Liter FI (note
the 2.9 Liter???) you will not find this pump listed (or any pump for
that matter), because Darryl's pulley is not for use with the stock
You may also find some strange listings like leaf-springs ??? (which are
out of stock for some strange reason :-)
If you search for an 1984 VOLVO 760 GLE V6 2.8 Liter FI, you will find a
lot of seemingly applicable parts, but the water pump is not the correct
pump for Darryl's pulley or for Stock Replacement.
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 10:56:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: Vin 5386 <delorean_stainless@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Re: Help prevent Propagation of Delorean Myths from BTTF
I actually had someone ask me if I pull the hub caps
off my DeLorean and found any substances still in
there. Kinda struck me as funny as the rims are all
one piece except for the small emblem "DMC" in the
center. But they still claim that if I pull the hub
caps off I'm gonna find something. I'll let everyone
know if hub caps myteriouslty appear in the near
future, lol.
--- Dan <danielpwillis@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> that he is CURRENTLY still in jail,
> > etc....etc..etc....
> You mean.. he's never been in jail with regards to
> the car?
> Also, I don't know how accurate this is but the
> DeLoreans in the film actually still ran the
> standard common as muck PRV V6 we all so love
> dearly... the car sound was dubbed from a V8. In
> fact a US company (posted on here some time back)
> was contracted to put an engine back in to a
> DeLorean that had been used as a show piece (why the
> engine was removed is beyond me)... if you look
> closely in BTTF3 you'll see that when Doc is trying
> to get the car running in the 1800s he manages to
> blow the distributer (I think) off the car... and
> it's stock!
> Just my 2p
> Dan
> Vin#5284 - Hana - - UK based
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For up to the minute details on the restoration of Vin5386 point your browser to,
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Message: 5
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 08:44:03 -1000
From: "Dan RC30" <Danrc30@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: a new one...
A gas station attendant said to me today that my DeLorean looks like a
submarine... That's a new one.
(PS- no, it's not yellow; it's stainless)
MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 15:08:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: "James La Londe" <deloreandmcxii@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Radiator pipe mounting bracket
On both sides of the engine bay there are metal brakets attached to the sides that hold the metal tubing that runs on an angle up to the radiator hose into (and out from) the engine. Both of these appear to have once contained a rubber bushing or some filler piece because they are far to large to tighten around the metal coolant piping. Because of this the tubing hangs down at the Y in the frame at the rear of the car, and especially the driver side (given it's sharper angle) is WAY too low to the ground. Not only that but it bends the hose at the point and it's leaking. I need to flush my coolant system before fall/winter (too late for fall, huh?) and get an overheat protecter on that sucker.Anyways, what was in that bracket to hold the piping tight? Do you think a piece of split radiator piping would work fine? And on the driver's side should the electric componant (I assume the temperature sender/ otterstadt) be fore or aft of the bracket. and lastly, where is the bleeder screw located on the water pump? And why is called a water pump.. it pumps a mixture of water and coolant!! (just kidding on that last one)thanks guys! What would I do with out this list (staring at a non-fuctional but very beautiful car, probably)!!-James La Londe1981 Delorean DMC-12 vin#001697 LicPlate DMC XII1998 Kawasaki Vulcan 8001992 Ford Probe GT---
[unrelated quoted material snipped]
Message: 7
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 22:08:16 +0200
From: "Elvis Nocita" <elvisnocita@xxxxxx>
Subject: AW: Door lock module & Fire
Hi folks,
you're right, I repaired about 10 Door lock modules and each of them had
worn and burned relay contacts. And the relays are also the reason why the
selenoids burn and therfore the power door lock system fails.
If you wanna do something good for your car and its battery, simply replace
4 parts of the module and the current consumption during standby is lowered
about more than 90% !!!! During stanby the module draws 13mA just to check
the switch inside the door if the selenoids shall be activated or not. New
sytems in cars are developed to draw less than some few micro amps during
standby, that's about 1/1000 what that door lock module draws !
Anyone who knows a little about electronics can do this modification which
is invisible from outside. Send me an email if you're interested, I will get
you the plans in a (not only by me) readable version. The parts cost less
than one dollar and it takes 15 minutes with getting the beer from the
fridge to replace everything.
I also developed a simple solution to protect the selenoids from burning
when the relay contacts stick together. After 5 seconds this little tiny
item reduces the current from about 10Amps to some hundred mA ! You will
only recognize that the relais stick when youre doors don't lock anymore.
But then your selenoid still are ok, while without that part you will have
to replace the windings inside the selenoids. By the way, a boring job.
Drop me a line if interested
Elvis & 6548
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: dherv10@xxxxxxx [mailto:dherv10@xxxxxxx]
Gesendet: Montag, 23. September 2002 06:00
An: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: [DML] Door lock module & Fire
If a door lock module is over fused which most are, then rebuilt,
remanufactured or new can cause a fire. If I repair one, I replace the 2
relay's in the black box and replace the diodes and check for any other
component failure.
DeLorean owners buy relay kits for the car, but very seldom does anyone ever
mention the two relay's in the door lock module. They are normally the worst
and none ever gets replaced because you can see them. So, yes if your over
fused and never replaced the relays you stand a chance as Steve say's of
causing a fire.
John Hervey
<< What
about your "rebuild" of the door lock module? That is a critical
part since that part can cause a FIRE if done improperly >>
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Message: 8
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 20:44:12 -0000
From: "therealdmcvegas" <DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: electronic challange for all
There is a far easier, and cheaper way to accomplish what you want.
Simply install a battery cut-off switch, and wire the electrical feed
to the radio before the switch. That way, the only drain on the
battery will be the radio.
vin 6585 "X"
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Hank Eskin" <henry@xxxx> wrote:
Is there a way to wire a second battery to the radio that will power
> the radio, but not also feed whatever is draining the charge of the
> battery? If someone can describe the schematic and required
parts, I can
> build it. As a bonus feature, I'd like this circuit to allow the
> battery to be charged like the main battery when the car is running.
Message: 9
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 17:32:17 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)
From: "dmc83n99@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <dmc83n99@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Restaurant with a DeLorean
I was actually going to go to this place when I was in Manhattan earlier
this year. From what I've been told, this car is completely mechanically
gutted and suspended from wires from the ceiling. Be interesting to find
the vin number.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 10
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 18:08:34 -0500
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: painted cars, sample panels, etc.
We actually have three panels with different "color" treatments. One RH
fender (which says Dupont on the back) that is divided into four sections
(bare SS, primer, black paint and black paint with clearcoat). Another panel
is a LH quarter panel with a red tinted clearcoat - not tape - which allows
the grain to show through. Nothing is written on the back of this one to
indicate the source.
The last panel is a RH fender with several different vertical tape stripes
in assorted colors. This one is still packed in a box someplace at the
moment, so I am not sure if it says anything on the back of it. THe other
two are on display in our showroom.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
James Espey
DeLorean Motor Company
15023 Eddie Drive
Humble, Texas 77396
281/441-2537 Voice
281/441-2813 Fax
> I too saw this fender with the "paint sample". A few years back, James posted
> that this was not paint, but just colored tape. It did look cool, because you
> could still see the stainless grain though the color "tint".
> At the time, I suggested that anyone who wanted a colored delorean could get
> colored tape and cover the car in it. If you get sick of the color, tear it
> off and try another!
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: jtrealtywebspannet [mailto:jtrealty@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 11:03 PM
>> To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: [DML] Re: Painted Factory Cars?
>> At the warehouse in Ohio I saw a test panel of S/S with different
>> colors painted on it. The story behind it was that the factory was
>> experimenting with the idea of offering painted panels. The option
Message: 11
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 19:24:25 -0400
From: "Kevin Abato" <delorean@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Re: Help prevent Propagation of Delorean Myths from BTTF
My bad! That's what I ment to say, but I wrote it incorrectly. Many
people approach me, and they have the assumpution that he is still in
jail, and owes billions of dollars. I try to set them straight on that
fact. (Since he stopped to talk to me and I got a picture with him last
year...guess that was when I was in the slammer too! ;) LOL)
-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Bouvier [mailto:jordanb@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 2:01 AM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [DML] Re: Help prevent Propagation of Delorean Myths from
Perhaps I have been misinformed but it was my understanding that he
(JZD) was not only NOT in jail, but that he had resolved almost all
legal action against him .
-Jordan Bouvier
--- "Kevin Abato" <delorean@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>I think with all the other myth and folklore about our cars, this is a
>minor issue. Even if some people do take notice of this little bit of
>information, it will not drastically change the general publics
>knowledge in any major way.
>If anything, they should put a disclaimer(s) that Delorean was not
>smuggling drugs in the cars, that he is CURRENTLY still in jail,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: therealdmcvegas [mailto:DMCVegas@xxxxxxxx]
>Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 9:38 AM
>To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [DML] Re: Help prevent Propagation of Delorean Myths from BTTF
>That is definately a fact about the cars being used in the films that
>I was unaware of. Any idea as to why someone would go to all the
>trouble to do a complete engine swap, let alone one for a smaller
>engine for the movie shoots? Perhaps this could greatly shed some
>light as to why some people insist that the cars came with 4 cylinder
>Though if true, perhaps the wording used on the new DVD's should be
>modified to give a disclaimer to say that the original V6 was
>vin 6585 "X"
>-Moderators: I know that BTTF topics are normal discouraged on the
>list here. However, this does indeed appear to be a specific topic
>directly relating to our cars.
>--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Stephen Clark" <stephen@xxxx> wrote:
>> --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Palatinus, Joe" <jopalatinus@xxxx> wrote:
>> > I recently purchased the DVD version Back to the Future (its
>> available
>> > in England now) In the commentary it says that all Deloreans had 4
>> > cylinder Volvo engines.
>> The "Animated Anecdotes" trivia track on the DVDs is speaking
>> specifically about the seven DeLoreans used in the three films, not
>> the other 8,576 cars which were not. Some heavy modifications were
>> made to the cars (obviously) for use in the films.
>> Stephen Clark
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>To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
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It's not too late to get your 1/18 scale Diecast DeLorean model! To
order, call 800/USA-DMC1 or visit our online store at
Promote your group and strengthen ties to your members with
email@xxxxxxxxxxxxx by
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Message: 12
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 16:24:37 -0700
From: "Montgomery, Ken" <kenm@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Delorean Myths/DeLorean facts
I recently spent entire day at the California State Fair exhibiting my car.
I talked myself horse answering the same lame questions over and over again:
Is that aluminum? How do you keep it clean? How many did they make? (the big
one:) How much is it worth? Did you find your 'rebate' in the trunk/glove
box/etc? Isn't he (JZD) still in jail? Is that THE car used in the movie(s)?
- You all know these.
What I want to make is a large postcard that I and my fellow DeLorean club
members can hand out that answers most of these questions. I'm sure someone
out there has already done this. And since I hate to 're-invent the wheel' I
was wondering if anyone would share their Q/A sheets with me?
Trying to dispel some of the myths..
Ken Montgomery Sacramento, CA VIN #10911 'OUTTIME'
President, Northern California DeLorean Motor Club
Keeper of the International DeLorean Owners Directory mailto:directory@xxxxxxxxxxx
Message: 13
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 21:27:38 EDT
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re: Help prevent Propagation of Delorean Myths from BTTF
In a message dated 9/23/02 10:21:34 AM Central Daylight Time,
jordanb@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> Perhaps I have been misinformed but it was my understanding that he (JZD)
> was not only NOT in jail, but that he had resolved almost all legal action
> against him .
> -Jordan Bouvier
Jordan and list,
JZD never went to jail, in fact he was aquitted on all charges - the jury
aquitted him after the prosecution made their 'case'. JZD didn't even have to
present a defense because the DEA and James Hoffman screwed their story up so
much that it was obvoius JZD was set up. in a way, they got what they
wanted. They took down JZD even without jailing him. they did something far
worse - they ruined his career and his reputation as a businessman!
1982 DeLorean DMC-12 VIN#11596
Fargo, ND 58102
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 14
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 21:32:16 EDT
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re: Help prevent Propagation of Delorean Myths from BTTF
In a message dated 9/23/02 10:20:37 AM Central Daylight Time,
danielpwillis@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> . if you look closely in BTTF3 you'll see that when Doc is trying to get the
> car running in the 1800s he manages to blow the distributer (I think) off
> the car... and it's stock!
HA HA~ i remember that part. i think it goes like this: Doc tries to get the
car running on alcohol (it's the strongest stuff they have around there) and
it sputters then something comes flying out the back of the car - and it is a
fuel distributer (complete with fuel lines attached)! Doc then says that the
alcohol blew the fuel distributer and they give up.
1982 DeLorean DMC-12 VIN#11596
Fargo, ND 58102
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 15
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 20:10:47 EDT
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Downfall of the DMC?
In a message dated 9/23/02 5:56:15 PM Central Daylight Time,
delorean_stainless@xxxxxxxxx writes:
> Does anyone know the actuall reasons that DMC ended up
> in bankrupcy? When all is said it seems to me that the
> company did quite well in its short time. Was it just
> that the DeLorean as an automoblibe didn't "fit the
> nitch" at that time in history? sorta to much to soon?
> or was it more related to competeing with the larger
> companys? Would be amazing to suspend reality for one
> instance and imagine where the DeLorean would be today
> given it had continuted production.
> Todd
> Vin5386
i highly recommend you read at least one of the many books out there
detailing the DeLorean saga. they will answer all of your questions, but
beware - each one is very opinionated and one-sided. you should read them
all to get a clear view.
1982 DeLorean DMC-12 VIN#11596
Fargo, ND 58102
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 16
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 20:59:38 EDT
From: Soma576@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Window Tint
In a message dated 9/23/02 6:27:20 PM Central Daylight Time,
johnnysher1@xxxxxxx writes:
> I have searched thru most of the messages and was surprised to find
> no postings about window tinting - especially the Arizona ones. I
> live in Glendale, AZ and will be purchasing a Delorean next November
> and will probably get the windows tinted. I was wondering if anyone
> had any problems having this service performed and what the
> approxamate cost was. I'm assuming the Delorean would have a total
> of seven widows, (two on each door, rear window and the two next to
> the engine compartment). The last two I think I could avoid getting
> tinted.
> Johnny
there was a discussion about a year ago relating to window tint. i believe
the general consensus was that if you tint the rear quarters and the rear
window, it is too much tint because it is doubled if you look over your
shoulder. most owner who have their windows tinted beyond factory tint have
just the rear quarters tinted and not the rear window. besides- with the
louvers, how much sun actually makes it thru that window anyway?
1982 DeLorean DMC-12 VIN#11596
Fargo, ND 58102
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 17
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 00:11:18 -0000
From: "espritmark" <markcl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Las Vegas car for sale
Any listers in the Las Vegas area willing to look at a car for
sale? Or can anybody recommend any good Las Vegas area mechanics
for doing a buyers inspection?
Message: 18
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 01:42:29 -0000
From: "Eric" <ericp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Valve Adjustment & the Shop Manual
I have decided to check and adjust my rocker arm clearances, since I
have this loud rocker ticking. (no, it is not an exhaust leak at the
gaskets...that was checked)
I grab my trusty shop manual and open to section C:05:02 and :03,
figures 26 and 27 where Method One is laid out clearly. I interpreted
the instructions in the chart as: position cylinder 1 so that Intake
and exhaust rocker arms are "on the rock" or on the peaks, then
Intake cyl.3 and Exhaust cyl. 2 are in position for adjustment. (and
so on, for each cylinder)...
Maybe I'm reading the chart wrong, or too literally, but NO cylinder
can have both intake and exhaust rockers on the peaks at the same
time for the same cylinder (at least not in a 4-stroke). How is the
left-most column of the charts interpreted?
Are they actually stating that EITHER intake 1 or Exhaust 1 be on the
peak - for I3 and E2 to be in position for adjustment? And so on for
each cylinder?
Dunedin, FL
Message: 19
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 19:09:36 -0500
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: New Fuel Gauge Sending Units...
The newly re-designed and manufactured fuel gauge sending units (DeLorean
part number 110555) is now available and shipping. This is a simple to
install unit that plugs in using the existing wiring and drops in to replace
the original tank sender. Those who had pre-ordered the sending unit or were
otherwise backordered for this item should receive it in the next week or
Available directly from DeLorean Motor Company (Texas) or your your favorite
vendor, the new sender is just $129. The new sender also features an
extended range low fuel warning - 2.5 to 3 gallons versus the factory 1.5
gallons, too.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
James Espey
DeLorean Motor Company
15023 Eddie Drive
Humble, Texas 77396
281/441-2537 Voice
281/441-2813 Fax
Message: 20
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 21:02:13 -0500
From: Todd Masinelli <tmasin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Delorean Myths/DeLorean facts
> What I want to make is a large postcard that I and my fellow
> DeLorean club members can hand out that answers most of
> these questions.
After seeing the ones DMC Texas gave out in the packets at Memphis, I called
to get some for myself. The quality is great, they're inexpensive, and they
really save a lot of time at car shows. The things went like hotcakes at
the British car show near Chicago a couple of weeks ago.
I'm not sure if they're on the DMC Texas website, so you might be better off
to just call them like I did and order them over the phone. (800-USA-DMC1)
Todd Masinelli
VIN 6681 (Nov 81)
Message: 21
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 21:15:03 -0500
From: "B Benson" <delornut@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Valve Adjustment & the Shop Manual
I agree, I think the shop manual has some mistakes. When I adjusted my
valves I just rotated the engine to get each rocker, one at a time, in the
adjustment postion without regard to where the others where. What's spelled
out in the manual is supposed to limit how many times the engine needs to be
rotated but it just didn't make sense.
Bruce Benson
> Maybe I'm reading the chart wrong, or too literally, but NO cylinder
> can have both intake and exhaust rockers on the peaks at the same
> time for the same cylinder (at least not in a 4-stroke). > Eric
> Dunedin, FL
> ericp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message: 22
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 21:11:20 -0500
From: "K Creason" <dmc4687@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Window Tint
I did a little different than you plan to.
I went to a high-end shop that only does tinting, and nothing else.
I just tinted the sides including the rear quarter windows-- not the back
vertical window.
It's what he called a titanium bond tint-- which is probably just sales
speak. But it looks very nice, is the darkest allowed in TX, and keeps the
car sooo much cooler. Look in the photos section for Rocket+DMC.
I think tinting that way keeps the look more uniform. Tinting the rear
window would just be overkill, IMO. The cost was not bad.
-----Original Message-----
From: thebrave65 [mailto:johnnysher1@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2002 12:53 PM
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [DML] Window Tint
I have searched thru most of the messages and was surprised to find
no postings about window tinting - especially the Arizona ones. I
live in Glendale, AZ and will be purchasing a Delorean next November
and will probably get the windows tinted. I was wondering if anyone
had any problems having this service performed and what the
approxamate cost was. I'm assuming the Delorean would have a total
of seven widows, (two on each door, rear window and the two next to
the engine compartment). The last two I think I could avoid getting
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Message: 23
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 00:26:27 EDT
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Alternator ( Life or Death )
I'm not saying that at all. Most of the products that I sell will save you
money, cheaper, but the car will still run if they go out. The alternator is
the heart of the electrical system. Any thing above 12.66 volts and the car
is operating on the alternator. It's the heart of the system. If the door
lock module goes out the car will still operate, if the tank sending unit
that I repair, not rebuild goes out the car will still run. The car can
almost fall apart around you, but if the alternator goes out or isn't
charging or it's draining the battery, nothing will work. You can use the TAB
that Toby builds that are pricey but I'm sure excellent, or you can use a
higher grade and improved bolt or what I consider the cheap bolts that
Delorean put in the car.
Very critical part for driving, but if the alternator goes out nothing works.
<< Your also calling anyone that uses another setup over another that
costs less CHEAP? >>
Message: 24
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 00:35:03 EDT
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Delco Alternator swap
Yes, You can do that, But what if the alternator goes out in the middle of no
where USA and you are able to swap it out and it still doesn't work. Then
what do you do or who do you call for tech help.
It isn't alway's the alternator that is the problem. It's the first thing
everyone wants to blame but not alway's the problem. there are other things
in the circuit that can go wrong and the alternator quit working. I have
trouble shooted several.
<< I can skip down to any auto parts store and swap it
out and install it with minimal tools that day and continue my
journey. >>
Message: 25
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 01:06:27 EDT
From: dherv10@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Delco Alternator ( Final )
Steve, I ended my statement buy saying:
( I just don't understand why we have to be so cheap.).
We spend a lot of hard earned money on our cars and I understand where your
coming from. Why do you think I build parts and supply high quality parts at
a sayings. Were all trying to do that and even the Dealer shops are trying to
do that. But, we were talking about the alternator.
I know how critical the alternator it is to the performance and durability of
the car. I listen to all the problems that shops call me about and D owners
that call with the electrical problems. Poor performance, lights dimming,
lose of power when the fans cut on and so on. And I tell them all about the
same thing. You have to have a good alternator and battery to make things
work. That's the heart of the system.
Marginal may not cut it.
I don't think saving money is bad, but to me and being in the electronics
industry for 24 years, I told lot's of people. Why turn on a $25,000.00 piece
of equipment with a .29 cent low bid switch.
Keep up the restoration work. I've got two to do myself.
P.S. I don't require a core on alternators either. Cost to much in freight to
transport back and fourth. But I will say this. Cores will normally average
$25.00 ea. But the Motorola's we have I don't even want to rebuild.
<< without a core. If I started to buy them from him with no cores he
would start loosing since he wouldn't have those cores coming in to
rebuild to replenish his supply. You can get alternators without a
core...just have to pay a core charge (or give them your original D's
alternator, they sometimes accept that).
Bottom line, it's just another choice for someone to do...that's all.
People will do what they want with theirs cars.
I'm done venting.
Steve ("The unfit delorean owner" according to Mr. Hervey) >>
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