dmcnews-digest V3 #321
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dmcnews-digest V3 #321

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #321

dmcnews-digest        Sunday, January 18 1998        Volume 03 : Number 321

       In this issue:
        DML: Fwd: Delorean Underbody for sale
        DML: Re: Brandon's vent about D-1
        DML:  Local Car Clubs and Insurance
        DML: Re: dmcnews-digest V3 #320
        DML: DeLorean For Sale
        DML: Key up-date
        Re:  Re: DML: Craig tape deck flex circuit update
        DML: More info.
        Re: DML: Craig tape deck flex circuit update
        Re: DML: Re: Brandon's vent about D-1
        Re: DML: New Owner
        Re: DML:  Local Car Clubs and Insurance
        DML: Re: Craig Tape Deck Flexible Circuit
        Re: DML: DMC Service
        DML: Barrett-Jackson Auction, Thursday 1/15
        DML: Re: to New Owner.  The Cincinnati show has a web page
        Re: DML: DMC Service
        DML: VIN#
        DML: Ethanol
        DML: Re: More info.
        Re: DML: Re: Brandon's vent about D-1
        DML: DeLorean One
        DML: History Channel
        Re: DML: Tranny-no-more...
        DML: Barrett Jackson "Prototype" Car Sold
        DML: Links to "protoype" auction car photos
        Re: DML: Links to "protoype" auction car photos


Date: Thu, 15 Jan 98 08:07:15 -0700
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Fwd: Delorean Underbody for sale

- ---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
Date:        01/14  4:42 PM
Received:    01/15  8:00 AM
From:        Micah Fryman, nocoke2@xxxxxxxxx
To:          moderator@xxxxxxxxxxx
CC:          nocoke2@xxxxxxxxx

FOR SALE: Delorean underbody.  80% of underbody is good. It was hit in
front and passenger side floor needs repaired.  Has good rear pontoons,
firewall, right side front, top frame, and left driver floor area.  Asking
$1000.00 OBO you pick up.  Call Micah Fryman at 217-627-3265 or E-mail me
at nocoke2@xxxxxxxxx

- ----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------


Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 10:56:34 -0500
From: Mike Substelny <SUBSTEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Brandon's vent about D-1

Brandon said (when calling Ed B. at DeLorean One):

> I had my COMPLETE VIN in hand ready to go if he decided to ask.
> Then,  he said " Are you on the Internet ? "
>  I said "yes"
>  and then he simply said.   " Just continue doing business with
>  the other guys,  they are nice guys and  We are not interested in
> your project.  Goodbye."

I have been thinking about this for the past few days, and it makes no
sense to me.  Are you telling us the whole story, Brandon?

The thing is, DeLorean One ADVERTISES on the Internet!  I just checked,
and the DeLorean One web page is alive and well and living at  It is illogical for them to be prejudiced against
people who are on the Internet.  Why would they pay good money to
advertise, then refuse to do business with people who have seen their
own ad?

That would be senseless, idiotic, insane!

I can't believe they would do that.  There must be more to this story.
Maybe Ed got Brandon's name confused with someone else?  That sort
of thing has happened before.

- - Mike Substelny


Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 11:18:35 -0500
From: Mike Substelny <SUBSTEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML:  Local Car Clubs and Insurance

At the DeLorean Club of Ohio meeting last Saturday, we discussed club
liability and insurance at length.  We had a presentation by a car
insurance expert who happens to collect classic cars and attend lots of
car events.  It was very enlightening.  Here are a few notes:

Whether your club sponsors an event, or just attends an event
sponsored by another organization, it is possible for your club to be
sued.  Even if you are neither liable nor at fault it is possible for a
to file a suit against your club (they will also sue the owner of the car,
and any other sponsors of the event).

For instance, the DCO was recently in a parade sponsored by the
Ashtabula Covered Bridge Festival.  If a little kid was hurt by one of our
cars, the kid's lawyer would have sued the owner of the car, the
Ashtabula Covered Bridge Festival, and the DCO.  Because the DCO
was still "unofficial" at that time (no bylaws) they would have gone after
our member who arranged participation and our temporary officers.  It is
standard practice these days to file suit against as many parties as
possible.  I believe the DOA is acutely aware of this, which probably
contributed to the decision to dissolve chapters.

To cover itself, the DCO has acquired two insurance policies.  One for
Public Liability (Comprehensive General Liability)  the other is called a
Non-owned Auto policy (because the club itself does not actually own
any cars, but might be held responsible for something that happens to
one or more cars).  Both have a million dollars coverage.  Total cost of
the two policies is less than $250 / year.  Our treasury can easily handle

I was surprised to learn that the insurance is so cheap.  It is simply
because the risk is small.  I am usually very much anti-insurance, but in
this case I think it is necessary.  Our members unanimously approved
acquisition of both policies.

I recommend that other local clubs explore the possibility of acquiring
some type of insurance.  Start by talking to your personal insurance
agent.  Even an inexpensive policy will GREATLY enhance your club's
credibility in arranging your own public events, or participating in other
people's events like parades, cars shows, fairs, etc.

- - Mike Substelny


Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 12:03:27 EST5EDT
From: "Philippe Brun Del Re" <b1354448@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: dmcnews-digest V3 #320

Greetings to all,
Not being an owner of a DeLorean, I was just wondering if any of you
knew of any exceptional web sites for DMC info.  This would include
history of the car, specifications etc..   I am also interested in
Volvos role in the company.
Any help would much appreciated!
- --                     
Philippe Brun Del Re                 


Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 13:27:37 EST
From: JIGAWTZ <JIGAWTZ@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DeLorean For Sale

1981 DeLorean For Sale
  For Sale 5-speed, grey interior, stainless..  Liscense plate JIGAWTZ
Good condition...excellent daily driver, new BFGoodrich tires..  small
dent in
rear left quarter panel.  rebuilt engine in excellent condition. 25K
$17,500 obo
Ryan Condie
619-689-7591 pager


Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 20:51:44 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Key up-date

Hi All,

Here is this week's DMC-Key update:

First we have just about gotten the list current. The few we have yet to
ship are getting re-done, I felt that a few from the old dies were just
up to the standard I like to see. If you have received an order form and
made an order then you will soon see your keys, If you were ever on either
the first or second list but never received an order form then we have
you. If yu are still interested in getting these keys please post an
"order form".

The reason we have had the lost key request problem is that My company
about 2,000 e-mails every day. We wrote a script that was to sort out the
key info and order form mail from the general company e-mail. But I never
expected to see so many different subject variations, so a few have

There have been a number of repeat questions, so I thought I would post a
few of the most common Q&A.

Q. I have two different keys and I want the IGN key to be black and the
door key grey, is that a problem? How do I order them to match?
A. Make one duplicate of each key and send them to us, we will take care
the rest.

Q. I plan to get a Delorean soon but am afraid that by the time I get it
the keys won't be available?
A. Don't worry about availability, The key project was started to provide
DMC Keys to Delorean owners at cost. Even if I only got one order a month,
I would make the keys, because I do it for it's own sake and not a profit.

Q. I got my keys and they are great, but the finish is dull looking, how
can I get it to look polished.
A. The dullness is the release agent used in the molding process. It will
disappear with normal handling. If you like you can wash it in soap and
water and buff it up with any kind of polishing tools or by hand. You can
also ask your key shop to buff it up.

Q. I sent in my order and a check for $20 but haven't gotten my keys yet,
It's been more than two weeks, when can I expect to get them?  
A. There could be a number of reasons why you have not received your keys,
first while it only takes a day to actually produce the key set, we are
making the keys on a first come first serve basis, so with over a 100 sets
to make, it has taken longer than we first thought it would. next while it
does not have anything to do with the make and ship time you sent only $20
which is short the shipping and handling cost. Your keys are in line wnd
will be made and shipped in their turn.

For those interested I am working on a way to mold the vin number into the
DMC Key on the reverse side. The space available allows up to 6 digits
which will cover all the VIN numbers used. Right now my thoughts are
leaning to making one such key for every one who has already ordered a
DMC-Key based on the VIN number they included with their order. If I get
the process worked out I will send the "DMC-VIN-Key" to every one "FREE".
think I will cut off this offer at the end of the month. The Idea is that
all keys past Jan 31 will have the VIN, and all who purchased before will
not get squeezed to order another key.
This all moot how ever, until I get the process working with consistency.

I have another project in the works that is a pure just for DMC fun. I
shortly have a "DMC-Sundial watch". This is a wrist watch with a sun dial
instead of clock works. The sundial portion has a real functional sundial
and the DMC Logo on the Face. The Sun Dial part looks like carved and
polished marble. The points of the campus are raised and the radians
into the surface. The watch base and band are silver (or burnished
stainless if I can find a source). The planed cost would be $20 dollar
range, plus shipping and handling. I will post an update and photo if
is interest. The one I made for myself gets some interesting comments. I
usually carry my regular watch in my pocket and have a peek every few
minutes when in a store or public. Then when I get the predictable "Have
you got the time"? I look at my Dial and respond with the correct time!



Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 15:55:37 EST
From: TV R US <TVRUS@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re:  Re: DML: Craig tape deck flex circuit update

That sounds like your tape heads are misaligned....


Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 16:45:17 -0600
From: "Steven W. Gilseth" <sgilseth@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: More info.

Hello Everyone,

It is finally getting cold enough here in Minnesota that driving the =
DeLorean is probably going to have to wait until spring.  But I did try =
to take it out about a month ago and would like to share my experience =
for any feedback.  I looked through the back issues but didn't find =
exactly what I wanted.  But then again I didn't quite get the hang of =
the search engine.

Anyway, I had family-in-law over for the holidays and I was proudly =
displaying my car when I decided I would take a few people for a ride.  =
I got in tried to start it.  No good.  Battery was dead.  I attributed =
it to the fact the doors were open for most of the day and drained the =
battery in the colder weather.  Charged the battery and decided to take =
it for a spin a few days later.  Start right up and ran great.  However, =
I noticed that as I drove it the volt meter gradually decreased from =
just over 13 volts to about 11 volts give or take.  I assume this means =
the alternator is probably shot and the car is running off the battery.  =
This would explain why the car was stalling previously when the weather =
began to get cold.  I am thinking about putting in the Delco police =
alternator that was mentioned on the list.

Enough background time for my questions.
Anyone who has replaced the alternator I am wondering what amp =
alternator and brand you used and why?
What voltage does your gauge normally point at for normal driving?  I =
remember that when I first got the car mine was under the 13 volt mark =
but the car seemed to run ok.


When I first purchased my car in September the driver side door opened =
fine and the passenger side barely opened.  I had the dealer I was =
buying the car from get a new strut from DeLorean One and put the new =
one on the drivers door and put the older driver doors on the passenger =
side.  Now if I try and open the doors the drivers side opens about >
third of the way and the passenger side basically doesn't stay open =
unless you hold it.  I know that the doors are heavy but I would expect =
them to work better than this, especially with a new strut.  I have a 95 =
Astro van with Dutch doors that opens perfect every time no matter what =
the temperature is.  Now that door is also very heavy, there is no =
torsion bar but it has two gas struts slightly larger than the DMCs.

I am wondering if anyone has improved there door struts?  I am not very =
mechanically inclined but was wondering also if it would be possible to =
add a second strut to the front side of the door?  Or maybe possibly if =
temperature is such an issue maybe a window defroster could be wrapped =
around the strut to warm it up so it works better?  Maybe a bad idea =
because the DMC seems to have a less than reliable electrical system.  =
Or maybe a larger size strut could be used?  If anyone has tried any of =
these ideas or done anything else let me know.  I don't plan to drive my =
car in the winter or everyday but when I do decide to take it out I =
would like to be able to get in without having to hold the door open.

I better step down off the soap box.
I look forward for your responses.


Steven W. Gilseth
VIN# 5982


Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 21:13:02 EST
From: SoundKillr <SoundKillr@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Craig tape deck flex circuit update

Wiring the flex board wires individually takes alot of patients and a
hand with a soldering gun. Take the deck apart and trace where the wires
from the display to the board. Take VERY small wires and solder them to
board and then to the location the wire runs on the back of the screen and
vice versa. Then install the radio and check all of the display
functions. It
may be necessary to do this three or four times but it WILL work and it is
worth it. Again the only problem with this fix is that the wires are no
flexible and access to the tape deck is denied. Good luck guys.


Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 22:10:27 +0000
From: ausmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Re: Brandon's vent about D-1

> snip,
> That would be senseless, idiotic, insane!

and suicidal. But then, it's Ed. Remember his first message as head
of DOA?



Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 13:11:00 -0500
From: OIC.PECOS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (OIC PECOS)
Subject: Re: DML: New Owner

     I am looking for more information on the June meeting/Rally in
     Cincinnati.  Any info appreciated.


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 00:37:20 EST
From: EdwSinger <EdwSinger@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML:  Local Car Clubs and Insurance


       Enough lawyer bashing...if a kid gets hit as in your hypothetical,
deserves compensation.  Contrary to your agent's wrongheaded advice,
do not sue as many people as possible... JUST THOSE WHO CAN BE HELD LIABLE
UNDER YOUR STATE' S LAWS.  More defendants (in a single victim personal
auto case) creates more trouble than it's worth.  The victim cannot
more than 100% of his damages.  Moreover, most states have laws that
countersuits against plaintiffs and lawyers) by defendants who can show a
was brought without merit.  Having vented, let me say good your club. 
insured is the best protection against accidents.
 P.S. I have practiced personal injury law in Philadelphia for 25 years.


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 05:51:53 -0500
From: "John M. Jeakle" <jmjeakle@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Craig Tape Deck Flexible Circuit

I also have repaired the tape deck using a time consuming method but it
will restore the flex. circuit so that the cassette door will work.
Using an ohm meter and magnifying glass, locate the breaks.
With a razor, scrape away the coating to bare copper.
Tin the copper.
Solder in place very fine wire or a piece of copper used for etching
printed circuit boards.
Coat with shellac.
I removed my flex. circuit, checked and repaired all areas that were
Any areas in the coating starting to fail but with good copper, just
coat with shellac. Remember that shellac will not flex so do not coat
the whole flex. circuit.



Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 04:07:29 -0800
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: DMC Service

At 07:31 PM 1/13/98 EST, you wrote:
>hi, I just had a few simple questions on sales and service.
>...............I have never heard a good story about their customer service."
>Just Curious,

        Hello Justin,

        About 3 months ago I discovered that my windshield was badly cracked
one edge and not original. I ordered a replacement from Delorean One after
talking with Ed. He suggested that he ship directly to the glass shop that
would do the installation. I paid in advance for the order and express
shipping. In due time the windshield showed up at the glass shop. On
inspection the windshield was found to be damaged.
        I was faced with a real problem. The glass shop said it was damaged when
they got it, the shipper said they had no knowledge the order was damaged
and Ed said it was in good condition when packed for shipment.
        I documented the damage and filed a claim with the shipper, who would
pay 35 cents a pound for damages. after discussing the problem with Ed, He
shipped me a replacement which arrived in perfect condition, Ed offered to
take the damaged windshield and go after the shipper. I was not asked to
pay a penny more.
        The new windshield is an original DMC product and perfect. I also got on
another occasion, a defective lower speedo' cable, which Ed  also replaced
with out question, at no additional cost. I would say that Delorean One
provided excellent service, made every effort to provide all the parts I
was looking for and replaced all that were unacceptable. I have also
some excellent advise from Ed as well.
        In my opinion The problem if any is that of communication, and nothing
more. Ed has his own way of expressing himself, just as we all do. I found
that it only takes a very business as usual approach to bring out the best
in Ed. I think that reading more into what he says may be much of the
        In the end we all have the choice to pick and choose who we do business
with. For my own part I try to listen to others and hope I make my self
clear. I use all the sources, but don't bring up this fact when dealing
with an one of them.
        OK there are three good things said about Ed. I expect that there are
others who have good things to say about Ed as well, but just don't bother
to take the time to do so. Lets hope that this thread just drifts away, I
trust that it won't end up the way the last one did when I made a similar
comment and had a jerk start accusing me of using a false VIN and Lic
numbers when posting to the list. It's worth mentioning that the person
failed to put his money where his mouth was when he was challenged.
         If you like Ed then use his services, if not then don't...its not a big
deal after all.

Lic 81DMC-12


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 98 09:20:07 -0700
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Barrett-Jackson Auction, Thursday 1/15

Spent all day yesterday at the auction here in Scottsdale, nad two
DeLoreans both were sold. The first was a black interior automatic, VIN
#3069, July 81. Car had California license plates on it, 1WINGY1. Car was
pretty rough, though not beyond hope. Usual bad struts, headliners, few
minor dings in body, left quarter had been repaired (rather poorly),
sheepskins on seats, which were in need of leather, cracked dash and
binnacle, vents in engine cover were not stock. Car was very dirty, but
still sold for $9250. Stephen Wynne, who is displaying his Carcoon
product at the auction, said that he thought the car was worth between
$6,000 and $7,000 and thought it did very well to get what it did.

The second car, a grey interior five-speed, VIN #6889, Nov 81. Car was
the better of the two, with a nice body ad interior. Stated 18,000
original miles. Car had Arizona plates, but I had never seen or heard of
the car before. Cracked dash and binnacle, slightly saggy headliners,
original shift boot needed replacing. Oil pan on car was covered with
oil, but with no apparent source. This car was cleaned shortly before
going across the block and sold for $12,000.

The prototype had yet to arrive as of last night, and it is scheduled to
sell late tonight. We'll see if it appears and exactly what it is.


- ----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 11:52:16 -0500
From: Mike Substelny <SUBSTEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: to New Owner.  The Cincinnati show has a web page


for information about the DeLorean Car Show in Cincinnati.  The
information there is fairly current.  Ken K. lead me to believe that the
will be updated soon with even more.

- - Mike Substelny


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 14:05:11 EST
From: "JSteuben <JSteuben@xxxxxxx>Message-Id:" <JSteuben@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: DMC Service

Hi Lee,

Let me add my 2 cents. 

I bought my car slightly more than a year ago, and I took it right to D1
service.  It had 38k  on it but  had never had the big 35K service done.

Without me asking, Ed ran  a complete check-list  (9 pages) on the car,
and as
a result, we were able to up-grade, repair, and replace what needed to be
in an organized and effiencient  (read: economical) way.

If you want your 'D' to be a 'stone' stock  car, D1 is the place for you.
They really do stand behind their work.  The last time I took my car in
servicing,  my bill was 'peppered'  with  little things that needed to be
corrected and were done N/C ( read: at no charge.)

Ed cares deeply about the well being of every 'D' car out there.  He has a
huge heart, but his 'bed-side manner'  is, shall we say...unique. 

I use D1 on a regular basis,  and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them
to all
of you.

That said, I would like to add that Rob, Don, Steve, and Bob Miller are

Get real people!  As car owners, we need all of these folks if we are
going to
continue to drive and enjoy our 'D' cars. 


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 14:09:54 EST
From: VickRich <VickRich@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: VIN#

Where do you find this VIN# at?

Is it the same as S/N?



Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 22:16:33 -0800
From: Matt Peak <mpeak@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Ethanol

Bruce Benson and others,

Another interesting thing about ethanol is that despite the impression
this fuel is environmentally friendly and posesses other economic
in some areas the fuel produces more pollution than current gasoline.
According to one study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, when
feedstock and corn-farming practices (fuel for machinery, fertilizer and
pesticide production, grain drying, and fermentation) are added to the
computation of carbon emissions for ethanol, total ethanol production and
use emits more than six times the amount of carbon than an equivalent
gallon of gasoline.  In addition, the devotion of land to the production
corn (which ethanol is derived from) can indirectly drive up the price of
many other agricultural products.  I could expand on this greatly since I
just wrote a 20 page paper last quarter in school on alternative fuels,
I don't want to deviate from the topic too much.

Matt Peak


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 14:55:32 -0500
From: "John Stiefel" <stiefel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: More info.

I had a similar problem when I bought my D.  I had both struts changed and
they worked fine for a time.  Basically what was needed in my case was the
torsion bars cranked up a bit.  I had the local guy here do the job and
they work just fine now.  This might help you.

Vin 3461

- ----------
> I am wondering if anyone has improved there door struts?  I am not very =
> mechanically inclined but was wondering also if it would be possible to =
> add a second strut to the front side of the door?  Or maybe possibly if =
> temperature is such an issue maybe a window defroster could be wrapped =
> around the strut to warm it up so it works better?  Maybe a bad idea =
> because the DMC seems to have a less than reliable electrical system.  =
> Or maybe a larger size strut could be used?  If anyone has tried any of =
> these ideas or done anything else let me know.  I don't plan to drive my
> car in the winter or everyday but when I do decide to take it out I =
> would like to be able to get in without having to hold the door open.


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 98 16:08:48 PST
From: "Brandon S. Moody" <bsmoody@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Re: Brandon's vent about D-1

> Brandon said (when calling Ed B. at DeLorean One):
> > I had my COMPLETE VIN in hand ready to go if he decided to ask.
> > Then,  he said " Are you on the Internet ? "
> >  I said "yes"
> >  and then he simply said.   " Just continue doing business with
> >  the other guys,  they are nice guys and  We are not interested in
> > your project.  Goodbye."
> I have been thinking about this for the past few days, and it makes no
> sense to me.  Are you telling us the whole story, Brandon?

I'm still thinking about it and it still doesn't make any sense.  And just
verify things,  YES That is the whole story.  Never had talked to him
mentioned his name, or anything.  After introducing myself,  the above
were all that was said.  ?????

I'm not going to worry about it and no need to continue this discussion. 

- -Brandon


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 16:01:26 -0500
From: "John Stiefel" <stiefel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DeLorean One

I must say that there has been lots of complaints regarding DeLorean One.
I have found that there is one lesson to be learned by this -- shop where
you are comfortable. 
There is one thing I can say as to my personal experience with DeLorean
One, I have received the usual hang ups by Ed as we have heard, but Millie
has been great.  Any question I have she tries to help me and any orders
shipped to me were correct.  Millie may indeed save them in the end.

Signed, Stiefel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
DeLorean vin #3461
Visit my page at


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 20:36:41 -0600
From: Duke <duke@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: History Channel

I noticed a few issues ago that someone had posted to send email to the =
history channel about doing a show on the DeLorean.  I thought this was =
a great idea and sent them an email.  Unfortunately, this was their =

 Dear Viewer,

Unfortunately, our series "Automobiles" is no longer in production.  We
thank you for your interest in The History Channel.

Viewer Relations


Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 01:49:36 EST
From: FalcoN 374 <FalcoN374@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Tranny-no-more...

   This is exactly what happened to my DMC- only now it sits outside the
mechanic's shop- he wants to install a new tranny for 3500 dollars...


Date: Sat, 17 Jan 98 00:07:51 -0700
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Barrett Jackson "Prototype" Car Sold

More details will be posted to the list Saturday, but the car advertised
as a prototype was actually a pre-production car, IMO, and sold for
$14,000. More detaisl and photos will be online Saturday.

James Espey
Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List


Date: Sat, 17 Jan 98 12:17:09 -0700
From: James Espey <espey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Links to "protoype" auction car photos

As promised, here is the link to the photos I took at the auction

Questions, comments - email me!

James Espey
Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List


Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 22:17:09 -0500
From: jsinger@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jack Singer)
Subject: Re: DML: Links to "protoype" auction car photos

I wish I was there to see it.  I have had a poster of that car hanging
on my wall for years.  James, if you were the one taking the pictures,
job well done.

Thanks from a die hard dmc owner.

Jack. 81 & 82 DMC owner.

James Espey wrote:

> As promised, here is the link to the photos I took at the auction
> yesterday.
> Questions, comments - email me!
> James Espey
> Moderator, DeLorean Mailing List


End of dmcnews-digest V3 #321

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 false, misleading, and negative postings, but it is up to you, the
 of the DELOREAN MAILING LIST, to realize that nothing should be taken as
 actual fact without research and investigation of your own.

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