There are 25 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest: 1. Lo-jack From: "cruznmd" <racuti1@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 2. CIS = "Constant Idle Speed" From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 3. Re: CIS, abbreviation for what? (Was: Re: idle speed regulator) From: "Andrei Cular" <acular@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 4. Long Island - New York DeLorean Motor Club From: doctorDHD@xxxxxxx 5. DeLorean- Kruse auction From: "Marvin" <marv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 6. Lock Problems From: Tom Watkins <dmctom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 7. It's time to release a new version of the DeLorean Owners Directory From: "Montgomery, Ken" <kenm@xxxxxxxx> 8. heat shields From: kKoncelik@xxxxxxx 9. Dynosim From: "savantprods" <TCConnors@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 10. Re: CIS, abbreviation for what? (Was: Re: idle speed regulator) From: Jim Strickland <ihaveanaccount@xxxxxxxx> 11. Re: New Photos! BTTF-3 DeLorean From: Christian Williams <delorean@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 12. Replace fuse block with circuit breakers? From: "supermattthehero" <supermatty@xxxxxxx> 13. Re: Re: under sealed at dmc? From: Soma576@xxxxxxx 14. Re: New Photos! BTTF-3 DeLorean From: "wayofcain" <wayofcain@xxxxxxxxx> 15. DeLorean made this? From: "Tom Porter" <treehouse2000us@xxxxxxxxx> 16. ATTN: Moderator From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 17. Re: Lo-jack From: "Henry" <henry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 18. Re: It's time to release a new version of the DeLorean Owners Directory From: Josh Haldeman <jhaldeman@xxxxxxxx> 19. Re: Re: New Photos! BTTF-3 DeLorean From: Louie Golden <louie@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 20. Re: DeLorean- Kruse auction From: "Jeff Chabotte" <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxx> 21. Re: CIS = "Constant Idle Speed" From: DMCVIN6683 <dmcvin6683@xxxxxxxxx> 22. RE: Replace fuse block with circuit breakers? From: "jdub" <doki_pen@xxxxxxxxx> 23. RE: Lo-jack From: "jdub" <doki_pen@xxxxxxxxx> 24. Re: 2 SUBJECTS: TRANSMISSION & CAR INSURANCE From: "therealdmcvegas" <dmcvegas@xxxxxxx> 25. RE: Replace fuse block with circuit breakers? From: "John Hervey" <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 15:52:38 -0000 From: "cruznmd" <racuti1@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Lo-jack I am investigating the installation of the "Lo-Jack" theft recovery system for my DeLorean. It's very interesting. It costs $995.00, includes cell phone/email/pager notification if your car is moved by unauthorized personnel, starter disable, panic mode etc. It's no bigger than a pack of playing cards. They will NOT tell you or let you figure out where it is installed on your OWN vehicle. The $995 is a one time fee. There is no subsequent monitoring fee. The signal can be received in underground parking garages and metal shipping containers. The transmitter is active as soon as you file a stolen vehicle report. There's more but you get the idea. Does anyone have this system? Are you happy with it? As far as collectables/exotics go, is the DeLorean worth doing it to? I'd think it is because of our small population but... Thanks, Rich A. #5335 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 2 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 15:56:49 -0000 From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: CIS = "Constant Idle Speed" Please see Message #38414. I will bring Volvo and Bosch factory literature to Mid Atlantic to show anyone interested in person. Bosch never used the word "System" in either acronym. Bill Robertson #5939 >--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxx> wrote: > The actual correct meaning of CIS is Continuous Injection System as > opposed to Pulsed Injection. This is a family of systems with > K-Jetronic w/ Lambda Control (aka K-Lambda) being the one we are > interested in. > Another way to look at the acronym CIS is on an old Delorean that > hasn't run in years is Corroded InSide. The idle system is called > Bosch Electronic Idle Speed Control System. There is no acronym. > David Teitelbaum > vin 10757 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 3 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:10:12 -0500 From: "Andrei Cular" <acular@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: CIS, abbreviation for what? (Was: Re: idle speed regulator) As far as naming goes it really depends on what book you are reading. I have a couple from Bosch one has CIS as Continuous Injection System and the other has it as Idle Speed. My Bentley for VW has it as Injection, for Porsche has it as idle, but the best is the fuel injection only book that has both. > Your misidentification is actually quite common: > > CI -- "Continuous Injection" > CIS -- "Constant Idle Speed" > > These are Bosch's terms, adopted by Peugot, Renault, and Volvo. Andrei ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 4 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:20:50 EST From: doctorDHD@xxxxxxx Subject: Long Island - New York DeLorean Motor Club Yes, yes, yes I know about the Mid Atlantic Club because I am a member and I think it's great. I've had a lot of fun and learned a lot about the car going to their meetings. It just seems that there are a lot of people in the Long Island ~ New York area that own DeLoreans and apparently were in the group here at one time. I would like to be able to get together at least once a month if possible. Obviously for me it would be easier here on Long Island. I sent letters to fifty names on the "New York" list. I'll see if I get any replys. In reference to helping out I have offered to help Mike D. with the Fall Tour 2004 and would be interested in helping organize any other get togethers here on LI. Dave & 6530 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 5 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:32:12 -0500 From: "Marvin" <marv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: DeLorean- Kruse auction While in Florida, I went to the Kruse auction Jan 2, 3, 4 / 04, in Ft Lauderdale. Among the many neat vehicles for sale was a "back to the future" / time machine DeLorean. The car was documented with a binder showing the building of BTTF style car, and stayed very close to photos and promo material offered by the movie studio. I spoke briefly with the owner, whose name slips my mind. He said he had a reserve of $35,000.00 (USA). The car started immediately, ran smooth, looked sharp, and was very clean throughout. It appeared the accessories were held in place with double sided tape or glue. I could see no drill holes or screws on the body. The total vehicle looked really good, if you like that sort of configuration to a unique car in itself. The car apparently had a high bid of $ 30,000.00 and did not sell. There was a sellers fee of, I think, 5% and a buyers fee of 10%. Many cars did sell. At $35,000.00 the gross sale would have been $40,250.00 plus tax. I left before the auction started for that car, as well as, a beautiful '64 Buick convertible (sold for only $14,000.00) and a cherry, old black Cadillac sedan that would have made a dynamite gangster rod, and a magnificently gorgeous red '64 or '65 T-Bird convertible. Had I stayed, I would have put in bids on several cars, been thrown out of my home, screamed at for years, smacked on the head, divorced, tortured, and forced to work for the rest of my days. Because there was a DeLorean there, I thought the list might be interested. Marv. # 17077 marv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 6 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 12:30:54 -0500 From: Tom Watkins <dmctom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Lock Problems I had the exact same issue with my car. Rob Grady tested my solenoids with a LockZilla unit and does not correct faulty solenoids. I purchased a set of his "Zilla"-noids as he calls them which I guess are more robust than stock units. Anyway.....I installed both myself and it corrected the problem with no issues. I would start with a new set of solenoids and go right to the heart of it. I did buy the new Zilla control module as well as the Zilla remote door lock/unlock module. Both work flawlessly and as a novice in this sort of stuff it was important for it to be easy for me to install. I am looking forward to the door launch feature as well but have not heard when Bob will be making them available. There are other vendors for some of these items as you will read. I don't wish to "dis" anyone who sells stuff. I have only dealt with Rob and Bob for the Zilla line of products and have been very happy with them, which is not to say that the other vendors items are inferior in any way. I just don't have any experience with them to make any statement about them. Tom #05732 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 7 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 10:27:08 -0800 From: "Montgomery, Ken" <kenm@xxxxxxxx> Subject: It's time to release a new version of the DeLorean Owners Directory It's been since last March that there's been a new edition of the DeLorean Owners Directory. Since then we've had about 120 additions/updates/corrections. I'd like to give everyone a couple weeks to get into the next edition of the Directory. It will take me a couple more weeks to type in all the entries and produce the PDF file. If you've made or changed your entry since March 2003, it will be reflected in the next edition and there's no need to enter your data again. I will let everyone know when the new version is posted. You can add your car by filling out the form on the dmcnews website: Adding your car to DeLorean Owners Directory also adds you car to the VIN chronology. After I confirm your entry, you can send a separate request for an access account to download your own copy of the Directory*. * I first make sure your entry fits properly into the list, such as having a VIN that matches the build dates of the other cars close to your VIN # and that the car isn't already in the Directory under another name). Ken ======================================================= Ken Montgomery Sacramento, CA VIN #10911 'OUTTIME' mailto:kenm@xxxxxxxx President, Northern California DeLorean Motor Club Keeper of the International DeLorean Owners Directory mailto:directory@xxxxxxxxxxx ======================================================= ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 8 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 14:11:46 -0500 From: kKoncelik@xxxxxxx Subject: heat shields Anyone out there have a decent used heat shield I can use for the raffle car. Looks like I am gonna have to make some if I cannot find it. The ones I have are kinda sorry and I won't put them back on. If you have some or know where I can it reasonable e-mail me privately. Ken ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 9 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 19:44:00 -0000 From: "savantprods" <TCConnors@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Dynosim Does anyone (especially anyone familiar with Pro Racing Sim in Tennessee) know if our PRV is in the engine database for the Dynosim engine simulation software? I am interested in the program, which calculates the horsepower of any particular engine setup. However, I do not want to have to enter all of our engine component information from scratch. If a reliable PRV model is available, the software could provide an interesting and efficient way to test the power rating of different Delorean buildups. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 10 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 15:37:07 -0500 From: Jim Strickland <ihaveanaccount@xxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: CIS, abbreviation for what? (Was: Re: idle speed regulator) Here are the first 5 sites that I found that say CIS stands for Continuous Injection System. I found none that said anything about idle speed. The K-Jetronics is a fuel injection system, oftne associated with "CIS". Since the fuel injection system has absolutely NOTHING to do with idle speed, which is an air-valve, it seems very unlikely to me that "CIS" has anything to do with idle speed. Also, is there a bold alternate fuel injection system called "RFIS"- with "Randomly Fluctuating Idle Speed"? Bill, you should recheck your acronyms, i think you have made a mistake. Even if your book does say exactly what you're saying, it is possible that it is wrong as well. "The acronym CIS stands for "Continuous Injection System". " "CIS stands for Continous Injection system and K-Jetronic is Bosch's name for such system" "the CI in CIS stands for continuous injection" forums/showthread.php?goto=newpost&threadid=511 "CIS stands for Continuous Injection System" "CIS stands for Continuous Injection System" Jim 1537 On Thu, 22 Jan 2004 05:16:14 -0000 "content22207" <brobertson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > Your misidentification is actually quite common: > > CI -- "Continuous Injection" > CIS -- "Constant Idle Speed" > > These are Bosch's terms, adopted by Peugot, Renault, and Volvo. > ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today! ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 11 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 13:57:38 -0800 (PST) From: Christian Williams <delorean@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: New Photos! BTTF-3 DeLorean John, The good news is that you were right - judging from the quality and presentation of the DeLorean, the restaurant doesn't seem that great. It's a little hard to tell from the pictures, but it looks like it's just the stainless panels and the big exhaust vents on the back. I wonder if this is one of the cars from the movie, and if so, I wonder what happened to the rest of it... -Christian On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 BondAtomic@xxxxxxx wrote: > I want to shoot myself. I was recently in Waikiki, and stayed at a hotel near > the Planet Hollywood. I never went in, and I remember talking to my friends > on how the restaurant wasn't that great. > John > 4275 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 12 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 22:21:03 -0000 From: "supermattthehero" <supermatty@xxxxxxx> Subject: Replace fuse block with circuit breakers? I replaced a fuse today in my car and realized then that my fuse block holds my fuses very loosely. I can nearly pull them out with a single finger. After looking around for replacement fuse blocks, I thought, why not replace them with circuit breakers of the same size? I was planning on getting some panel-mount, manual-reset types. They could be affixed to a cut piece of stainless in the relay compartment, and it would clean things up a bit. Any thoughts/concerns about this? thanks, Matt #1604 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 13 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 18:42:08 EST From: Soma576@xxxxxxx Subject: Re: Re: under sealed at dmc? In a message dated 1/22/04 9:48:37 AM Central Standard Time, stuartalexander@xxxxxxxxxxx writes: I believe only the '83 models exported to the east coast have black underseal. Those that went to the west (with similar production dates) don't seem to have it. This implies that it was done in the US and not in NI. Stuart vin 16686 (with black underseal) My car is an early '82 and is undersealed. In fact, the reason for the sealing is found in stainless steel illusion, where it says that the cars sitting in the dock (there were 435) in Long Beach, CA had been sitting for quite a while exposed to the salt air, which was causing corrosion problems. the book claims that the epoxied frames were unaffected, but other sources such as Rob Grady have maintained that it did indeed cause frame problems, and the cars were undercoated before delivery to dealers for extra protection. ironically, the black undercoating is a terrible problem. it is rubbery and allows moisture to get between it and the expoxied frame. it actually accelerates rust problems instead of preventing them, as my car has experienced. be especially wary of buying a later car with black undercoating. oh yes, another thing. the undercoating got all over all of the fasteners on the bottom end of the car such as the fuel tank plate bolts. tried to remove one once and it broke right off due to moisture under the sealant corroding the bolt. not fun. Andy [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 14 Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 00:59:54 -0000 From: "wayofcain" <wayofcain@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: New Photos! BTTF-3 DeLorean Was this the one that was hit by the train? It doesn't look like there is much Delorean left there. I was really hoping it was the one with the whitewall tires and the hopped up suspension for driving through the rough terrain. I loved that look. --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "malevy_nj" <malevy_nj@xxxx> wrote: > Hey, > > Finally had time to scan in some pictures I took while in Hawaii a > few weeks back. > > This is the "Time Machine" from BTTF 3. It is in the Planet > Hollywood (Waikiki beach, if I remember correctly). > > No, the photos are NOT upside-down.. The car is suspended from the > ceiling! > > Enjoy, > Marc ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 15 Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 00:42:28 -0000 From: "Tom Porter" <treehouse2000us@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: DeLorean made this? Hey guys, I just come acrost this while looking (once again) for a car.... this is certainly the funniest looking DeLorean I have ever seen. Hope you guys get a kick ... Tom Porter <--- Not looking for 'this' car ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 16 Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 01:27:25 -0000 From: "content22207" <brobertson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: ATTN: Moderator I do not have a scanner, so could you please add these two URL's to my earlier post Re: definition of CI vs CIS: CI (Continuous Injection): CIS (Constant Idle Speed) (Kind of hard to read in this image, but in the upper right brown box, between "Constant Idle Speed System" and "1981", are the letters "CIS" in parentheses). Thanks, Bill Robertson #5939 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 17 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 22:07:16 -0500 From: "Henry" <henry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Lo-jack I've had lojack in two of my (non-delorean) cars, and luckily, I've never had to use/activate it. In both cases, I found the unit while working on other things in the cars. I wouldn't let them touch the Delorean - you have no idea where they are going to install it, or how they will tie into the electrics - which we already know can be problematic. You also don't want them cutting into the fiberglass, which they might do - and you can't be there to help them understand any of the quirks about the car. There are better ways to disable the car from being driven away (battery cut-off, inertia switch, standard alarm, etc) - that I don't think lojack is needed for a Delorean. From what I've heard, vandalism is a much bigger problem than theft. -Hank #1619 ----- Original Message ----- > I am investigating the installation of the "Lo-Jack" theft recovery > system for my DeLorean. > ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 18 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 22:12:43 -0500 From: Josh Haldeman <jhaldeman@xxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: It's time to release a new version of the DeLorean Owners Directory Ken, What if a car that is listed in the directory has changed hands since it was first listed? Just curious, as that is/was my situation, Josh Montgomery, Ken wrote: >* I first make sure your entry fits properly into the list, such as >having a VIN that matches the build dates of the other cars close to >your VIN # and that the car isn't already in the Directory under another >name). > >Ken > >======================================================= >Ken Montgomery Sacramento, CA VIN #10911 'OUTTIME' > >mailto:kenm@xxxxxxxx >President, Northern California DeLorean Motor Club > >Keeper of the International DeLorean Owners Directory > mailto:directory@xxxxxxxxxxx >======================================================= ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 19 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 19:18:44 -0800 (PST) From: Louie Golden <louie@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Re: New Photos! BTTF-3 DeLorean Universal still owns the white wall tire BTTF 3 DeLorean... it's rotting away in their back lot. I wish they'd sell their BTTF DeLoreans to someone who would really appreciate and take care of them. Here are some fairly recent pictures of the white walled BTTF 3 DeLorean- -Louie Golden VIN 5252 Charlotte, NC --- "wayofcain" <wayofcain@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: Was this the one that was hit by the train? It doesn't look like there is much Delorean left there. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 20 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 22:41:55 -0500 From: "Jeff Chabotte" <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: DeLorean- Kruse auction I believe the Delorean at that auction was converted by none other than "the list's" own Gary Weaver. I'll let him chime in on any details if he so wishes. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Marvin" <marv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: [DML] DeLorean- Kruse auction > While in Florida, I went to the Kruse auction Jan 2, 3, 4 / 04, in Ft Lauderdale. Among the many neat vehicles for sale was a "back to the future" / time machine DeLorean. The car was documented with a binder showing the building of BTTF style car, and stayed very close to photos and promo material offered by the movie studio. I spoke briefly with the owner, whose name slips my mind. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 21 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 22:27:00 -0600 From: DMCVIN6683 <dmcvin6683@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: CIS = "Constant Idle Speed" (Moderators Note: Based on this posting, this thread is now closed. It appears different publications say different things, just another unique part of Delorean ownership. Marty, this weeks moderator) It says "continuous injection system" in my 1981 Delorean owners manual. Mark On Thursday, January 22, 2004, at 09:56 AM, content22207 wrote: > Please see Message #38414. I will bring Volvo and Bosch factory > literature to Mid Atlantic to show anyone interested in person. > > Bosch never used the word "System" in either acronym. > > Bill Robertson > #5939 > >> --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "David Teitelbaum" <jtrealty@xxxx> >> wrote: >> The actual correct meaning of CIS is Continuous Injection System as >> opposed to Pulsed Injection. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 22 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 21:31:56 -0800 From: "jdub" <doki_pen@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: RE: Replace fuse block with circuit breakers? While this sounds good on paper I regret to inform you that a fuse is the only fast response in case of a circuit overload. Circuit breakers take too long to throw because the bi-metal inside of them has to heat up to break the connection. This can become a dangerous situation. Jon -----Original Message----- From: supermattthehero [mailto:supermatty@xxxxxxx] Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 2:21 PM To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [DML] Replace fuse block with circuit breakers? I replaced a fuse today in my car and realized then that my fuse block holds my fuses very loosely. I can nearly pull them out with a single finger. After looking around for replacement fuse blocks, I thought, why not replace them with circuit breakers of the same size? I was planning on getting some panel-mount, manual-reset types. They could be affixed to a cut piece of stainless in the relay compartment, and it would clean things up a bit. Any thoughts/concerns about this? thanks, Matt #1604 To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx For more info on the list, tech articles, cars for sale see To search the archives or view files, log in at Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: dmcnews-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 23 Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 21:39:05 -0800 From: "jdub" <doki_pen@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: RE: Lo-jack I agree with Henry. Setup some trick immobilization circuitry. Even if my lo-jack protected car was stolen I wouldn't trust the police to follow up, track down, and then dispatch a unit to recover it. We have some pretty nasty areas around where I live and sometimes i think the cops are more scared than i am to travel in to them. Jon -----Original Message----- From: cruznmd [mailto:racuti1@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Subject: [DML] Lo-jack I am investigating the installation of the "Lo-Jack" theft recovery system for my DeLorean. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 24 Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 07:21:42 -0000 From: "therealdmcvegas" <dmcvegas@xxxxxxx> Subject: Re: 2 SUBJECTS: TRANSMISSION & CAR INSURANCE --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Richard T. Herrick, MD" <docrth@xxxx> wrote: <SNIP> > · BEING IN A NEW AREA I'M HAVING TO ADJUST TO FINDING A NEW MECHANIC. > > · WHEN THE TRANSMISSION STARTED TO GRIND GOING INTO REVERSE - NO > PROBLEM WITH THE ENGINE NOT RUNNING- I TOOK MY CAR TO A SHOP SPECIALIZING IN > HIGH-END AND IMPORT CARS. THINKING THAT THIS WOULD BE A SAFER AVENUE THAN A > TEXACO STATION MECHANIC. THEY REPLACED THE MASTER CYLINDER ($225.00) AND > THE SLAVE CYLINDER (139.15) PLUS $440 IN LABOR. ALMOST IMMEDIATELY I > NOTICED THAT THE CAR WAS RUNNING MORE POORLY THAN WHEN THEY STARTED. I > IMMEDIATELY RETURNED THE CAR. ALMOST 4 WEEKS LATER I GET CALLED AND TOLD > THAT THE REPAIRS ARE FINISHED AND THAT THEY HAD TO REPLACE THE CLUTCH. THE > ADDITIONAL COST IS NOW AN ADDITIONAL $1500. > > DOES THIS COMPUTE? > > > Dick Herrick > docrth@xxxx $1,500 IMO is way too much money, and 4 weeks is definetly too much time. When I had my clutch replaced, my local garage dropped/reinstalled the tranny, resurfaced my flywheel, installed a new Rear Main Seal, new Slave Cylinder, flushed my clutch hydraulics, adjusted my shift linkage, AND even test drove my car. And that cost me a little over $480 in labor, and about 4½ hours of my time. When looking for a suitable DeLorean mechanic, you may not want to go for "Exotic & Specialty" garages. Your safest bet for engine work may be in looking for a mechanic who is experienced in "Early Volvo & BOSCH." K-Jetronic, Constant Injection Fuel Injection isn't all that complicated, but it seems to really intimidate a fair amount of mechanics, which in turn leads to you having to pay for someones "on-the-fly" education in repairing/tuning the system. A good idea though is to always first check a shop's references, no matter what kind of car you plan on taking to them. Especially with specialty garages, which almost always seem to take longer than normal garages, and are usually priced higher too. Plus, feel free to question the garage too, and ask them questions. After all, they're there to no only work on your car, but to earn your business as well. How many other DeLoreans have they worked on, and just what type of work was performed? Another good test is to ask whom will be working on your car. While some garages may have mechanics that have specialties, such as rebuilding automatic trannys, everyone there should be competent enough to work on your DeLorean equally. In my experiences, I've found that when a garage tells me "We have a guy who works on DeLoreans.", what I'm really hearing is, "Yeah, we've got a designated guy that we trust to tinker with cars we're not 100% comfortable working on." But just as the saying goes, YMMV... -Robert vin 6585 "X" ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 25 Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 00:15:55 -0600 From: "John Hervey" <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: RE: Replace fuse block with circuit breakers? I wouldn't do it with circuit breakers.. John Hervey -----Original Message----- From: supermattthehero [mailto:supermatty@xxxxxxx] Subject: [DML] Replace fuse block with circuit breakers? I replaced a fuse today in my car and realized then that my fuse block holds my fuses very loosely. I can nearly pull them out with a single finger. After looking around for replacement fuse blocks, I thought, why not replace them with circuit breakers of the same size? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx For more info on the list, tech articles, cars for sale see To search the archives or view files, log in at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yahoo! 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