As I cleaned up pine straw all afternoon at the church, using antique rake technology thank you very much, I thought long & hard about DeLorean fuel delivery: Where to begin? How about the admittedly true observation that carburetion is an older technology no longer used by automobile manufacturers? Not to point out the obvious, but K-Jet itself is an older technology no longer used by automobile manufacturers. If that is one's standard of acceptable DeLorean fuel delivery, then every owner should convert to MegaSquirt (did I just hear an "Amen" from the EFI'ers?). How about the admittedly true observation that carburetion is a minority fuel delivery method, far outnumbered by forced injection? What exactly does that prove? Red heads are far outnumbered by brunettes -- should they all dye their hair brown? Independent films draw far smaller crowds than Hollywood blockbusters. My beloved Cheerwine is drunk in far smaller quantities than Coke or Pepsi? What exactly does the number of anything have to do with anything? Back to older technology before I move on: As I drove the last truckload of pine straw to the street, shifting gears in my straight drive truck, it occurred to me that manual transmissions are the oldest technology out there, embraced by fewer and fewer Americans every year? Does this mean that 5 speed DeLorean owners should transplant Renault automatics? Oboes and violins are definitely antiquated instruments. The best ones are made with very dated techniques (hand made). Should symphony orchestras be disbanded, or forced to convert to electric instruments? I could go on like this ad infinitum, but you get the point. What does being vintage have to do with anything? (Am I the only one who sees the irony of drivers of 27 year old automobiles complaining about dated technology?) What does number of users have to do with anything? Oh: The supposed bombshell against carburetion -- everyone loves to pull out the "DeLorean vendor" trump card. Would Rob or Houston be any more or less willing to work on a MegaSquirted PRV than a carbureted one? How many owners actually have their cars worked on by Rob or Houston anyway? Just because an owner uses a carb for fuel delivery does not mean that he or she will not be buying fuel filters, interior fittings, door struts, etc from the vendors. Only K-Jet specific components are eliminated from the purchasing mix. One last observation before I wax philosophic: The Motorcraft 2150 was used by Ford through the end of the 1982 model year. That makes it very contemporary for DeLorean usage (unless your vehicle is an '83 I guess). Now for the philosophy: Every DeLorean owner should make *ALL* vehicle choices (wheel size & design, sound system, exterior finish, etc, as well as fuel delivery) according to his or her own careful and objective cost/benefit analysis. Simply following a fad, or making an emotive decision, is unlikely to yield satisfactory results in the long run. Regarding fuel delivery in particular (let's assume the PRV itself is retained), for some owners that analysis is going to point towards multiport EFI. For others, it is going to point to throttle body EFI. For some it is going to point to K-Jet. And for an admittedly small number of owners it is going to point to carburetion. I suppose it could even point to pouring fuel into the engine from a Coke bottle. If such an owner has done his or her cost/benefit analysis objectively and completely, who would anyone else be to question it? The big stumbling block for the above philosophy is intake manifolds. MegaSquirt can be installed around a K-Jet manifold. Throttle body EFI and carburetion can not (at least not reasonably -- trust me, I studied that option extensively). If an owner were to carefully and objectively determine that carburetion is his or her best choice, the simple lack of a suitable intake manifold would force that owner into using what his or her very analysis revealed was a less optimal fuel delivery method. That's the whole reason I pursued this intake manifold project. If an owner truly decides that carburetion is the best choice, I would like a suitable manifold to be available. I harbor no illusions of a mass conversion to carburetion. I fully expect requests for manifolds to be very occasional and very infrequent. That is why I'm not stocking up on the things. The machinist I am working with is willing to make one off fabrications whenever requested. If two or three years go by before the next request, that's cool with him. He doesn't want to be in the DeLorean carburetion business any more than I do. I simply want owners to have all options available to them. Oh -- almost forgot my best thought! Diversity is good. Monolithism and dogmatism are bad. When diversity is discouraged and stamped out, you start down a slippery slope towards fascism and totalitarianism. Human history is tragically replete with examples of people being forced and coerced into narrow options and patterns not of their own choosing. When I use the term "K-Jet Nazis," it is not entirely tongue in cheek.... Back to antique instruments: The likes of ELO, Emerson Lake & Palmer, and Jethro Tull successfully married "outdated" string and wind instruments to cutting edge rock & roll. I'd put their work up against the best that Mariah Carey has ever cranked out. Is progressive rock any different than a carbureted DeLorean (except that the remaining car couldn't be called "cutting edge" with a straight face)? Speaking about Farrar in particular: It is extremely demeaning to him to insinuate that his fuel delivery choice was not made as carefully and objectively as he could. The man is an adult. He makes complex decisions every day. None of us has any more right to invalidate this one than we do his decisions of where to live, occupation to work, leisure activities to pursue, partners to date, and so on. Is this post long enough yet? Oh well, these things needed to be said. Two owners have told me off list that they are intentionally forgoing DCS because of prevailing attitudes of intolerance and arrogance. I can't say that I relish the thought of being subjected to such abuse myself, which I know awaits even if I manage to escape Ken's judged contests. But the truth can be a cruel mirror. If this community tries to force independent and autonomous owners to do things with their cars that they do not want to do, that is bad. If this community tries to ostracize owners or make them feel like second class citizens for making decisions that are rightfully within their purview, that is bad. If this community does such things, the lifestyle of DeLorean ownership will suffer. 'nuff said -- I need to take a shower now because after cleaning up pine straw all afternoon (with an antique and outdated rake, hauling it to the street in an antique and outdated truck, shifting my antique and outdated gears!), I smell so bad that even I can't stand me. Bill Robertson #5939 ------------------------------------ To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: moderators@xxxxxxxxxxx For more info on the list, tech articles, cars for sale see To search the archives or view files, log in at! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: mailto:dmcnews-digest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mailto:dmcnews-fullfeatured@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: dmcnews-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
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