Make sure all the lug nuts are tight. Raise the car and inspect the front sway bar bushings both on the frame and at the lower control arms. You could also have a bad or loose ball joint, loose shock absorber or worn rubber bushing. The steering rack could also be loose. You really have to go underneath and look for something that is loose, worn, or just not right. Have someone shake the wheels back and forth while you watch for play or excess movement. I would also check the trailing arm bolts. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "funkstuf" <funkstuf@xxxx> wrote: > Seems like every time I'm convinced this car is going to be perfect I > get to learn something new. > This week.. > When I take off from a stop and go around a corner I seem to > hear/feel a small clunk in the front tires/wheels.. almost like I ran > over something. This only happens when I go slightly faster than > normal. If I crawl around a corner I don't seem to get the problem. > It seems to happen regardless of which way I'm turning and it seems > to require that I turn the car fairly rapidly and turn about 90 > degrees. Any ideas? > > Dale Funk > Vin#4984
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