The gullwing hardtop made a short appearance as a prototype "option" for the Elise S2 a couple of years ago. Close examination of the brochure reveals that it was probably not more than an idea. (BIG!) It never made it as an option, supposedly "too hard to make". Still so, some people were enchanted by the idea. (it may be due to Delorean fame?). The URL you specified is one business that makes it. You are correct that it looks bizarre, and wouldn't work as it does in the Delorean. One of the mounting points would have to slide. There is one other company that makes the gullwing hardtop- it looks a little different. click on "tbar". It looks more like the Delorean setup, minus the torsion bar. I'm sure there's not much weight in those panels... Jim On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 19:31:04 -0500 "Kevin Abato" <delorean@xxxx> writes: > I know this is slightly off subject, but I am sure there are DMC > owners > who can shed some technical light on the subject. > A friend of mine recently put a deposit on the new Lotus Elise car > that > is set to ship to the US in spring of 2004. While drooling over the > thought of his future car, he started to research hard top options > for > the car. As it turns out, there is a company in britan who is > offering > an aftermarket "Gullwing" option for the car. > ... ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit to sign up today!
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