I think that it obvious from the time you allowed the car to sit at the shop that you have/had very little intrest or concern for it.It was wrong for the jag shop to use your vehicle as a spare parts bin just because it was there.It is not unheard of for this to happen to any vehicle left for long priods of time and no storage fees are paid.Basically the facility has a lean against your car for it being stored there so long that it was considered abandoned.I doubt that they went through the proper legal motions to make it alright though.There is a set amount of time before a vehicle can be considered abandoned it is in some cases less than a month .I am sure the jag shop has a set rate for storage of a car probably in the range of $50.00 a day if they feel like being mean.They will argue in court that they simply were trying to get some of what you owed them out of the vehicle.Even if that arguement doesnt fly how will you explain never checking on the situation until now? The judge will likely have no knowledge of delorean values and will see it as just another car thus your award (if any) will be small and not worth the trouble.Just stay away from the jag shop and warn others. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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